Rachel Green, everyone's favorite waitress. Through the years of "Friends," Rachel has her fair share of horrible mishaps with men, that is until she ends up with her soulmate Ross in the series finale. No surprise there. From #bestfriendgoals with Monica and Phoebe to being mom of the year for Emma, Rachel Green wins as the best fictional TV character everyone wishes was real. So here are all the times the fabulous Rachel Green described your life.
1. When you finally realize enough is enough and it is time to get your life together.
3. Every time you walk into a party.
4. When you catch the feels for the bad boy.
5. Every time your fave throwback song comes on at a party.
6. And then all your bad decisions from the night before hit you like.
7. When life just is not going your way.
8. The sad reality very girl faces.
9. So you get really drunk and do the one thing all your friends begged you not to do.
10. But, there is always hope.
11. When your best friend may not be your best friend anymore.
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