The life of a freshman college student, as told by the "Prince of Egypt."
1. There's a lot to learn in college, and it's OK to feel overwhelmed!
The wonders of the universe and the vast knowledge of life -- you're not expected to know it all at once, so relax.
2. Sometimes, you'll have to study while your friends have fun.
It's a lonely place, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
3. Professors are great, even if they don't always end class on time.
4. At times, you might feel like a total failure, but upperclassmen will remind you that it gets better.
5. When you're not in class, you're either socializing, eating, studying, or relaxing. Choose wisely!
"If I don't meet you in two hours, I'm either napping or watching Netflix."
6. Your school schedules a ton of events to get you to socialize. Participate!
Dances, carnivals, outings, luncheons, concerts, festivals -- who knows? If you don't go, you'll miss out on a golden opportunity to meet people!
7. But be careful -- sometimes you do need to step back and spend some time alone.
"I'm going to go sit in my hammock for two hours, and you're not to bother me under any circumstances, got it?"
8. With all that socializing, you might be tempted to find a boyfriend or girlfriend ASAP.
But unless you're aiming for a "Ring by Spring," it's OK to take it slow! College is all about meeting new people, so don't be in too much of a hurry to find that special someone.
9. Preparedness isn't the only thing that you need to pass classes and ace tests.
It's all about having confidence. (Studying all day helps, too.)
10. There are times when you feel like nothing's going right; you have four tests and three essays to do; and everything's going up in flames.
11. But about eight months from now, you'll return home, a triumphant survivor of freshman year.
You did it. Congratulations.