My freshman year of college has been amazing. I've made great new friends, laughed harder than ever, and learned important things about not only myself, but the world around me. However, there are some moments where I kind of felt like my life was falling apart. Obviously, I knew that, logically, this wasn't the case, but at the time simple things can feel like a really big deal. Enough to make me cry, in fact. There were at least 10 times where I did.
1. I accidentally erased an entire paper.
Google Docs, I was relying on you. How dare you?
2. Someone took all my laundry out of the dryer mid-cycle.
You couldn't have waited another 20 minutes for my clothes to dry? I don't think I was ever more frustrated with humanity than in that moment.
3. I got into a fight with a friend.
It was so dumb, and we're totally fine now, but as an irrationally sensitive person with social anxiety, I basically thought the world was ending.
4. I really missed my mom.
My mom is literally my favorite person in the world, and definitely who I rely on most. I was having a rough day, and it just hit me how much I missed her (tip: never stop telling your parents how much you appreciate and love them).
5. I was overwhelmed by homework.
I had three essays due and no time to do them, so I did the most productive thing I could think of--curled up in my bed and cried. Thankfully, I was (eventually) able to take a deep breath and get to work.
6. I spilled milk.
I mean, it was probably more than just the milk that made me cry. It had been a really bad day, okay? And the milk was everywhere. Don't judge me!
7. A scary professor told me my paper wasn't very good.
Thankfully no tears came out until after the meeting, when I was in the bathroom. I wasn't even upset about my grade (which was a B; not that bad, in retrospect). I was terrified because of the teacher. He was just really intense, okay?
8. I watched a Pixar movie.
I mean, can you blame me for this one? "Inside Out" is the best movie of 2015, and there's a particular scene that gets me every time.
9. All the showers were clogged.
Somehow, every shower stall was disgusting. I was just so mad--why are people like this? What did I do to deserve it?
10. I watched all the videos of my dog in existence.
Once I started, I couldn't stop. She's just so cute, and I hadn't seen her for months. Turns out, this was a mistake--by the end of the spree I had gone through an entire tissue box.