This semester is my final semester, and my overly-eager-to-graduate self decided it would be a fantastic idea to take the maximum number of hours allowed for a student at Oklahoma State University to take. I wanted to hurry and join the mysterious "real world" everyone who puts down my generation keeps talking about so I decided to cram it all into one insane, madness filled semester. I believe I am taking 17 or 18 hours, and trust me, I feel the stress of every single little hour I'm taking every day. I am learning very quickly that my planner is my new best friend, sleep is the distant lover I haven't seen in awhile and self-care is something I have to literally pencil in. If you have ever taken this many hours (especially while working two jobs like myself), you may have experienced some of the following:
1. The feeling when your friends ask you to go out and somehow think something other than school or sleep exists.
2. That feeling when you haven't slept in days but you have to function and be nice to people like a regular human.
3. Or how you feel when you finally have a free weekend to go out, but you have to decide between sleep or a social life.
4. The feeling of how fast time flies between getting home from class and having to go to work when you have tons of tests to study for and homework to complete.
5. When you think about how much you need and love the committed relationship you're in with your planner or the calendar app on your phone.
6. Dating? What's that? I'm dating school right now, I guess.
7. The feeling of nervousness you have when you finally get free time because you know you're forgetting something.
8. Constantly checking D2L or online classroom for your grades and notifications because if you take a day off you probably missed eight assignments and are failing nine classes even though you're only in six.
9. Telling yourself you'll get up at a God-forsaken early hour to finish studying when you know you'll hit snooze 15 times.
10. Wishing you could do anything else with your Internet time than look up sources for yet another paper.