1. You did it. You booked your trip. Time to party!
You did an adult thing that is also a fun thing. You can't wait to go away for a few days to de-stress from college life!
2. The countdown begins!
"Only 50 days left. 40. 35..."
3. The thought of escaping the frozen tundra of your college campus is the most appealing thing about the trip.
"I bet there isn't any snow at *insert destination here*"
4. You constantly check your weather app to see how much warmer your spring break spot is than here (FYI it's way warmer).
"It's 72 degrees at the beach right now and i'm here listening (read: sleeping) in the same class as every week."
5. You start daydreaming of the ocean in class.
"I think I can hear the waves crashing and the seagulls chirping."
6. The closer it gets the more you can't help but talk about it.
"So did I tell you where i'm going for spring break? Oh, really? Like four times? I'm gonna say it again so you can remember and be jealous."
7. You pack your bag days in advance with things you very obviously won't need.
"Of course i'm gonna need this sundress that I haven't worn since 2010 that is not appropriate for any social gathering ever."
8. Yet you have a constant worry that you forgot to pack something.
"I went through my list and my bag like 10 times. There is no way I forgot anything, so what's nagging me?!"
9. You scrounge and save up every dollar so you are covered.
"Okay so I found $1.06 in change in my car, that can buy us lunch at the beach right?"
10. You realize you have a 8+ hour drive ahead of you (cause you're too broke to afford a plane).
"I gotta map out places for bathroom breaks and food. Leg stretches too."
11. Spring break is finally here! Go out and enjoy (FYI: The thing you forgot to pack is your sunglasses).
"Yes! The beach, the waves, the sand, the sun! Where are my sunglasses...?"