No matter where you're headed this spring break, one of the most interesting parts of the trip is getting there. And taking a road trip is something we've all done at one point in our lives -- in many ways, it's a rite of passage. If you can survive one road trip, you're set for life. Whether you've taken one or one thousand, these thoughts have definitely crossed your mind.
1. I am not not not looking forward to being in this space for however many hours.
It can be a daunting (and sometimes depressing) thought for some, no matter how many pit stops are made.
2. This car is definitely not big enough to hold all of us (and our stuff).
This counts for every car ever made, no matter how big yours may be.
3. I’m going to get so much done on this drive!
Get started on that book I’ve been meaning to crack open, work on some homework...
4. Lol, that’s a good one.
Because sleeping, staring into space, and snacking is usually what actually ends up happening.
5. Ugh, I wish this car had Wi-Fi.
Using up my data to check social media is something that I’ll definitely regret later (but it’s certainly not going to stop me).
6. It was definitely my turn to DJ at least an hour ago.
The fam obviously can’t handle my fire playlist, it’s (not) fine.
7. And it’s definitely time to switch for shotgun seat.
Everyone knows backseats are not made for people (or dogs) with legs.
8. Why is it that I’m never satisfied with the car temperature???
Too hot, too cold, there is no happy medium.
9. You don’t understand, I need to go to the bathroom right now.
The next rest stop is not an optional destination, people.
10. How are we not there yet?
You said we’d be there in ten minutes two hours ago.
11. Wait, we’re here already?
How is that possible? That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be!