Over this past week, I began moving for the first time in my entire life.
Well, sort-of.
Sure, I've moved in and out of dorm rooms for the past two years, but, trust me, there's something much more daunting and exorbitantly more difficult about moving 20 years worth of crap into your first real "big girl" apartment.
And to make matters that much scarier, this move, I had no parents by my side during the entire ordeal (thankfully, I had an incredibly strong and patient boyfriend).
Regardless of whether or not I moved approximately 13,000 tons of stuff all by my lonesome or with the help of the mighty Hulk himself, I decided to record some of my most poignant thoughts throughout the process.
1. When did I accumulate this much sh*t?
2. How is this all going to fit in my car?
3. How am I going to carry all this?
4. Where do I put it once I get it there?
5. I guess I should get some furniture.
6. There's no food here...
7. *after six hours in the grocery store*
8. How do I get furniture through that tiny door?
9. Wait...furniture doesn't come pre-assembled?
10. Is this really worth it?
*remembers that I never have to live in a dorm again*