Yes folks, the 2016 Olympics is in full swing. Wherever you go you can usually find the games playing somewhere and while doing so I'm sure at least one, if not many of these thoughts have crossed your mind.
1. "I would die trying to do that."
For example, the biking event is practically 1 million miles and I would meet certain death if I even attempted.
2. "These people are so dedicated."
I can't even fathom the dedication it takes to be an Olympic athlete.
3. "Imagine the training that they had to do for this."
Years and years of training, and it really pays off for them even to be participating in the Olympic games.
4. Getting emotionally attached to a certain competitor and then getting upset or overjoyed depending on how they place.
I have been known to cry actual tears because of this.
5. "This is an actual Olympic event?"
No disrespect, I just didn't realize there were so many events.
6. "I'm tired just watching these people."
Just trying to imagine the amount of energy that these people are using in these events makes me physically tired even though I am not doing it.
7. "Those outfits are cute/ugly."
Okay, you know you've thought this.
8. "Seriously, these people have been training their whole life for this."
For so many of the athletes this is their one chance to compete at this level and they've been working their entire life for this. That's so cool.
9. "I wish I was talented enough to be in the Olympics."
The events, while crazy intense, seem like they would be so cool to be a part of.
10. "Look how many badass women there are this year."
Seriously, the Olympics is 45% women this year and that's the most there has ever been. That is so exciting!
11. "This is so inspiring."
You have to admit that watching the Olympics is inspiring and makes you feel all the feels. Even if you aren't into sports you can still appreciate the dedication and impressive talent of these athletes.
All in all the Olympics are a good time. It is a chance to see talented humans showcase their abilities and get the chance to compete for something awesome.