Whether it’s the summer and you’re coming home to a new job or just starting a new job, in general, it can be a scary and nerve racking experience. You may hate it or love it, but you have to deal with it for some amount of time. Sometimes the people are nice, sometimes not, but that’s what you get with dealing with various people.
1. What if they don’t like me? It’s not all about them liking you. If you’re good at the job, they’ll keep you, whether or not they like you. Your coworkers are just trying to do their job as well, but they are in the same place as you are. They just want to be liked as well.
2. What if I mess up?
Messing up sucks, but if it’s something you’re new at, it happens. With messing up, you have to have an open mind and don’t worry about messing up. It’ll happen and life will go on.
3. I miss my old job… Jobs will come and go. Your last job may have been your favorite but you are in this new job now and you are expected to put your all into this job. Missing jobs and people and other things is just part of life. It happens. Old jobs and people give you life experiences that help you in the future.
4. They expect me to do what?!
Yes, they expect you to do the weird task, but hey at least you’re getting paid for it as well as experience! Might be weird now, but might also give you good experience for the future!
5. Well, at least the manager likes me…. In jobs, there will be coworkers who dislike you or will try to ruin your reputation or whatever else, but as long as you stay true to who you are and do the best you can do, it’ll all work out for the best.
6. Maybe if I mess up, I can blame it on the guy standing over there. This can help with wooing your managers because then did you really mess up? No, that guy did. Whether that is a good way to go about a situation is solely up to you, but usually it is not. Sometimes it’s worth a laugh, though.
7. Am I supposed to be doing that?
If you’re not sure, ask. The best way to make sure you’re doing the right task or doing a task correctly, just ask the manager. Usually, the managers are happy to help. That’s what they are there for!
8. That thing broke before I touched it, I promise.
Now this can be a tricky situation. You never want to be blamed for breaking something, especially if it is your first couple of days at the new job. Coming clean and being able to tell the managers that something isn’t working will help you out in the end.
9. What is your name again? Names are hard, remembering them is even harder. It’s best to just ask…
10. I hope this is what I’m supposed to be wearing. Sometimes this can be an irrational thought you have on your first day. Usually, what you are wearing is fine, but you are nervous it isn’t.
11. I can’t wait to start this job!