As a sophomore, packing is a whole lot different than it was when I was an incoming freshman. Let's face it, we all know packing sucks no matter what it is for. I believe that college packing may be the worst kind.
1. Why did I wait so long to start?
It doesn't actually matter if you start a month, a week or two days before move in you always could have started earlier.
2. Why did I ever unpack from last semester?
I mean seems like I just unpacked in order to pack it all up again.
3. Why do I have so much crap?
I swear it multiplies as time goes on.
4. How big is my closet and dresser?
Chances are it doesn't actually matter because whatever I want to take will be all squeezed in there anyways.
5. Do I actually need this?
Follow Fat Amy with this one. If you are legitimately questioning whether you need something as a returning college student, then the answer is most likely no.
6. What if I just dropped out?
If I don't go back to school, then I won't have to finish packing.
7. What can I do to procrastinate?
Literally anything because it has to be better than packing.
8. Will this all fit in my car?
Hopefully the answer to that question turns out to be yes.
9. Have my roommate(s) started packing yet?
If your roommate(s) haven't even started packing, then you are ahead of the game. Remember, we're all in this together.
10. Thank goodness my family will help me haul it all into the new room.
My calves may be made of steel from all the college hills and steps, but we all know I may need the assistance in the upper body department -- thanks Mom, Dad and sibling(s).
11. This will all be worth it when I am with my friends.
Yes, the packing is horrible but the memories with friends...such as late night study sessions, garlic bread and Popsicles, laughs, jam outs / random dance parties and even sleep deprivation make it all worth it.