The dog days of summer can be the most fun, and the most stressful. With move in day and the start of classes rapidly approaching, even the most composed people are freaking out. There's so much to worry about and such little time.
1. I'm not ready
Plain and simple, I am not ready to leave for school. I may have everything I need to go, but I'm not mentally ready.
2. Summer wasn't long enough
Yes, eventually the days drag on and you don't know when it's Monday or Friday. Everything to be done has been done and you're exhausted from the beach. It's possible, believe me. For me, this moment hit right after July 4th weekend.
4. Everyone leaves on different days
The best part of summer is home friends. The worst part of summer is when all your home friends leave. They leave on different days too, just rip the band-aid off and abandon me all in one go. Thanks.
5. School friends are that much closer.
It sucks when you home girls and boys leave, but that means you're that much closer to all the people who make living on campus and showing up to class bearable. Plus, you get to make new friends!
6. There's just so much stress
So much to do so little time. Between seeing friends, packing, finishing work and trying to enjoy the last week of summer, you end up spreading yourself thin. The itchy bug bites may actually be a stress rash. At this point would you be surprised?
7. Packing sucks
You're supposed to pack up enough clothes to live on campus for a few months at a time, but you still need clothes to wear for the last few days of summer. If you need makeup or hair products, forget it. The night before move-in day is just one giant meltdown that none of us are truly ready for.
8. So many to-do lists
My to-do lists have to-do lists at this point. You bet I'm going to forget at least a quarter of the things that need to be done.
9. Saying goodbye never gets easier.
Whether it be to your family, friends, or coworkers, saying goodbye sucks and is never a fun task. Saying goodbye is the one daunting task that haunts the end of the summer. It's the one thing we wish we could prolong.
10. I'm not ready to surrender my privacy.
Sure, having a roommate is fun and all, but getting used to living with someone is a hard adjustment. Communal bathrooms also suck.
11. Sweet freedom
Even though being home can be fun, parents tend to have these things called rules. In college, however, they aren't there to enforce those rules.