Dead week is here and we are all on edge. This week is a literal hell with all the papers, projects, and last minute exams and who knows hell better than Hades.
1. When you get a bad grade so now you start panicking about the final:
2. When the annoying kid in class is reminding the prof a homework assignment is due:
Those kids are the worst.
3. When your prof keeps reminding you that these projects (or papers) are major grades:
Yeah, I know. I read the syllabus. Please stop adding more pressure.
4. When all you want is to go home:
5. What all the professors are thinking:
6. When someone isn't doing their part in the group project:
7. When your parents ask how school's going:
8. When the annoying kid keeps trying to answer questions directed to the prof during the review:
9. Your face when you finally finish that 10-page paper because you cannot believe it's over:
10. Congratulating yourself for everything you got finished this week:
11. Thinking about finals next week:
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