As a potential new member, I absolutely loved sorority recruitment. How could you not enjoy it when every party welcomed you with door chants and clapping? Everyone was so excited to meet you and each conversation seemed to come with ease. At that time, I didn’t think twice about the work that went into the other side of recruitment.
It wasn’t until I started going to recruitment workshops for my own sorority where I realized how much planning and dedication each house puts into the whole process. These workshops can be tiring but there are so many reasons why we need them. Here are eleven thoughts you have during sorority recruitment workshops:
1. Does bouncing and clapping count as my workout for today?
2. I’m getting winded on just one practice, I don’t know how I’m going to do this 10 times a day
3. Will there be food?
4. I can’t wait to meet all the PNMs
5. But recruitment isn’t for another six months
6. I’m so nervous, I don’t know what to do
7. I didn’t know recruitment took this much planning
8. How do I remember all of this?
9. Who knew you could get a fine for stepping outside of the house?
10. Can I just sleep at the house during recruitment?
11. Props to the recruitment chairs
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