May quickly turned to August, and it is time for young adults everywhere to return to (or start) college. It's an exciting and potentially nerve wracking time, but no matter how you feel, we all have pretty similar thoughts.
1. It's time to go back to school!
For me, this is an exciting thought. Time to return to campus and see all of my friends whom I haven't seen since May is definitely pretty exciting.
2. Why do text books cost so much?!
Whether its returning from summer or coming back in the spring, you most likely have to buy (or rent) textbooks. Some books can cost hundreds of dollars, and let's face it, none of us want to spend that much money on something we'll only use a few times.
3. Time to buy EVERYTHING
Especially if you are moving into a new building, you will probably need to buy new things. This is exciting, but also expensive. Bed sets, curtains, lighting, appliances, or maybe even furniture can lead to a pretty hefty price tag.
Packing is time consuming and boring, and pretty much everyone hates to do it. Whether it's for a week long vacation, or an entire year at school, it will take forever and you will probably get bored and end up laying on your floor.
5. When did I get this?
Packing also means cleaning and reorganizing. Doing this usually leads to finding some things you've been missing forever or maybe some things that you have no idea where they came from or if they're actually yours.
Okay. I'm packed and ready to go, so let's go before I realize I won't see my family for a few months.
7. Did I forget something?
En route to school, you perform a mental checklist and panic because you think you forgot your toothbrush. Then you realize it is, in fact, packed.
8. OH NO I did forget something!
Realizing you forgot something is the worst. It could be something simple like your umbrella (which I forgot... oops) or something more important like something you need for a class. Either way, you'll figure out a solution until you can get it. It's not the end of the world, even if you get down poured on going to class.
Unpacking is just as bad (if not worse) than packing. You have to decide where to put everything, and worry when you run out of space. Nobody wants to unpack as soon as they get to school. I JUST WANT TO LAY ON THE FLOOR.
10. Wow I miss my family already.
Even if you're not the type to get homesick, there's something sad about when your mom gives you a hug goodbye as she leaves you at school. You get that feeling in your chest that you want to cry. This usually goes away as soon as you are able to get out of your room and meet up with your friends, but it's still an awful feeling.
11. I'm so glad to be back.
Even though you're not excited to go back to classes, campus has become your new home and you have an emptiness inside you when you're gone. It's like an instant happiness to lay on your small uncomfortable dorm bed.