If there is one thing that college students can say it's that they hate writing essays. So many formats, so many styles, and you just want to know what that accomplishes. You feel like you are constantly writing essays, and tell me that you don't have these thoughts:
1. Why are there so many styles?
2. I could answer this question in one sentence.
This paper is 5 pages long and I could tell you the answer in one word.
3. I'm pretty sure that I already wrote this essay before.
Uh yeah, I remember writing this.
4. I wrote "also" nine times in the last paragraph, that's okay, right?
No one is going to notice that, yeah?
5. If I write single spaced, then I will be surprised when I get 5 pages!
6. As long as there are at least two sentences on the fifth pages it's 5 pages long.
They never said 5 full pages.
7. Who even cares about the answer?
Does my professor actually even read these?
8. How many points is this essay even worth?
Oh, twenty percent of my grade. Okay, yeah, I have to do it.
9. I wish I could see what other people are writing about.
Sometimes I just need an example.
Stop checking Twitter and snapping! I am finishing this paper!
11. Next time I won't wait until the last minute.
LOL, yes I will.