Finals are here and there is nothing more excruciating. Here are 10 thoughts every college can relate to during this crazy week.
1. This finals week will be different.
You're gonna make appointments, write your papers, get all your studying done...right?
2. ...Maybe not.
Trying to fit in a semester's worth of information is a little harder than you thought.
3. It's fine. I just won't sleep.
I don't need sleep. I don't need sleep. I definitely don't need sleep.
4. How many Red Bulls can I drink in one night before having a heart attack?
Every last flex dollar will be spent on caffeine.
5. Ah, this looks like a nice spot in the library to live for the next week.
It's basically your home so you can do whatever you want.
6. Laundry? What's Laundry?
There's no reason to wash your clothes when you've been wearing the same outfit for 3 days in a row.
7. I may or may not pass out from stress and zero hours of sleep.
The world is your bed at this point.
8. Oh wait, I have to pack too?
Let's just throw everything into a box and call it a day.
9. Here comes another mental breakdown.
Randomly collapsing into tears is pretty much expected.
10. That's it -- I'm dropping out and becoming a stripper.
Giving up seems like a pretty good option right now.
11. Thank God all my friends have to deal with this too.
You can't even imagine a summer without them.