When you leave the Heights in May there is a sense of joy for successfully completing another year of rigorous academic challenges and extracurricular obligations. You aren't promised an easy life on the Heights and sometimes we wish to escape but at some point in our three-month recess, you will realize that you miss it. You will yearn for those days when people are screaming outside your building at 2 a.m. when naps were acceptable, and Wegmans runs at midnight were normal. While you will probably miss a lot of things and some because of your journey on the Heights, here are nine things we will all miss together.
1. Dolphy Day.
2. Earl's Omelettes.
While you will probably have omelettes better than Earl's in your lifetime, in the Heights, we know his omelettes as our saving grace to caf food. The best part though isn't the omelette itself but his ability to remember your order no matter how long it has been. So next fall, make Earl's Omelettes your first stop.
3. Your roommate.
We never quite say thank you enough to our roommates for everything they do. They are usually the first face to greet us after a long day and the first to share their hidden stash of chocolate when your crush stops noticing you. You won't realize until you say goodbye just how valuable they are to your life.
4. The Friendly Faces.
It seems that no matter where you go on campus there is always a smiling face to greet you. Seriously, everyone is friendly on this campus! Try to walk by an academic office without a professor asking how you are, or Campus Ministry where they shower you with candy and dogs, or the cafeteria where Sharon serves you dinner with a smile...you cannot. It truly is the friendliest place on Earth.
5. Location, location, location.
You form an unbreakable bond with a favorite study spot because you've been through a lot together: exams, projects, unscheduled naps, hiding out from your friends who believe group studying works, and many tears. No desk or coffee table will have the same effect as your favorite table. And if you happen to be looking for a new study stop, Campus Ministry Community Room is my favorite place!
6. Trivia with Matt Carey.
Some of us may never have had a curfew, nor will we ever, but for others, curfews run plans so easily. In college, your parents never have to know if you were at Clinton St. until 4 a.m. because you are not their worry, but at home they worry about your every move. So shout-out to the kids who survive curfews.
7. Your friends.
Some of the best friends you will ever make are those in college. They have often seen you at your best and at your worst, there is little you can hide from them. Now you have to rely on Snapchat and iMessage to get you through those summer blues.
8. Your RA.
Our RAs.
9. LSPB events.
Whether you are aware of it or not, LSPB puts on more than 96 percent of all the activates on campus. They are by far the most active club or organization on campus. From NYC trips to Books for Bingo, you never leave an LSPB event disappointed or without a cool prize, and the best part is that 99 percent of these activities are FREE!
When you are feeling lonely this summer and missing all that the Heights has to offer, remember that August is just a short while away. To all my fellow Phins, thanks for making Le Moyne such a special place. Have a great summer, and stay safe!