In a house full of girls, there is just so much damn estrogen, so many freakin' bras and not to mention all of these things listed below that are just the norm when you live with sisters.
1. So. Much. Hair.
It’s in the drain and on the shower wall, in the car and all over the brushes. It’s everywhere and it's gross. You genuinely fear something could be lost in the clump.
2. A crowded shower.
It looks like the cosmetics aisle in the supermarket with seven face washes, eight razors, 10 shampoos and 12 conditioners. And there's always some tone-deaf singing happening, too.
3. The subtweets are so real.
Except they are never on Twitter. Sisters are vicious. They will make comments right at the dinner table about that piercing you got your parents don't know about.
4. "OMG are you guys triplets?"
No, you idiot, there are actually seven years between us. Try again.
5. Borrows clothes without asking is basically WWIII.
God save us all.
6. The stench of flats.
You can't leave those things anywhere. They can take down a small army in the middle of the winter. But in July, they could easily put to rest a small country with one whiff.
7. The value of self defense.
Girls can be b*itches.
8. The art of scheming.
Whether it is scheming against each other, against your parents or anyone for that matter. Everything requires an elaborate plan with 14 backups, even if it's a run to the store.
9. The nail polish bin.
The concept of owning "your own" nail polish is just about as foreign as the concept of doing your own nails.
10. Braiding.
Side braid, waterfall braids, pig tail braids, headband braids. You name it and we can do them flawlessly after years and probably some tears later.
11. The high presence of bras.
When girls run the house (and the world), it is more than common to be greeted in just a bra and hopefully some pants. If they aren't in the bra, you can probably still see it somewhere. There is an extreme lack of modesty.