For one of my responsibilities as a graduate assistant, I have to instruct the rock climbing course on Oklahoma State's campus. Throughout my time as an instructor, I have learned a lot about the sport and what it entails.
1. Equipment:
When it comes to rock climbing, this sport requires having the right equipment! You will need carabineers, really strong rope, chalk to help make your grips the holds better, and shoes! Shoes are a necessity with this sport!
2. Lingo:
When you come into the world of rock climbing, you'll also be introduced to the lingo that comes with it! "Rock" means heads up, so take cover!
3. Terms:
"Belay" is a french term! Belayers are the people who hold the climbers while they are on the rope to ensure they are safe and secure. You'll also hear "peter-panning" which you don't want to do!
4. History:
You can thank the Italians for the early stages of rock climbing!
5. Techniques:
This sport is all about technique. How you position your body to how you use your fingers determines how well you'll do!
6. The sport itself:
Rock climbing is a great and enduring sport and it will challenge you but you'll feel like you can conquer the world- or climb it for that matter!
7. Different types of climbing:
Bouldering: having no rope and having a spotter.
Top roping: having a belayer on the ground while they hold the climber while they are on the wall, or in the air!
Free climbing: climbing without any ropes or spotters.
8. Grip strength!
Train your fingers well before you start!
9. Safety checks!
Safety is the number one rule of rock climbing! Be cautious!
10. Rank scale:
Different routes are ranked on how difficult it is! The scale is kinda confusing, so pay attention on the grade system.
11. Different holds:
There's about 10 plus different holds, so research so that you can tackle each one! Trust me, knowing them will help you enjoy climbing more!
Rock climbing is a great indoor or outdoor activity for anyone who is willing to learn the ins and outs of it!