I was a pretty sheltered child before I started working in a restaurant, but I owe my tough skin, bad mouth, and my best friends to my work.
1. The use of colorful language.
I didn't use to swear like a sailor, and now words just flow out of my mouth without me even knowing. I have definitely changed my vocabulary in an entirely different way.
2. Bad tippers make you want to cringe.
It's like people don't understand that servers make $2-$3 an hour, so not tipping means they make less that night.
3. You are a family.
Once you've been there a few years, you become family. You fight, love, and behave like family. It's what makes going to work so great. This is my work family.
4. The skills I learned from hostessing and serving will help me in the long run.
I may not be carrying drink trays or menus for the rest of my life, but the communication and people skills I've learned from this job will carry over into my profession.
5. It gets so busy you forget to eat... or even that you're hungry anymore.
The restaurant picks up at dinner time and in a blink of an eye you've been triple sat, and the hunger you were feeling 5 minutes before is gone.
6. You get one cry.
I got screamed at once so badly by this lady my eyes welled up immediately, and I burst out in tears. I went into the cooler, cried, then got back on the floor. You get one good cry in the restaurant industry and then that's it.
7. You learn you can't please everyone.
I think this is a valuable life lesson in the restaurant industry and in life. You can be having the best day serving, but you just can't win them all and that's okay. Some people just can not be pleased.
8. Be nice to your kitchen staff.
Mistakes happen, and sometimes food comes out wrong. I've learned that yelling doesn't get me very far and appreciating the people who make my customer's food does me more good than yelling at them.
9. You treasure your days off like they're gold.
In the restaurant world, days off for the year-round staff are a dime a dozen. Hell, even mornings off are like a present to the staff!
10. You can't get the smell of [insert restaurant food] off your clothes.
No matter how many times I wash my work shirts, the smell of pizza sauce and draft beer lingers on all of my clothes.
11. Despite the stress, you love your job.
I've met my best friends at work-- the people I will have in my wedding. I am so thankful for my job and the great staff, great owners, and great atmosphere.