Being raised by a teacher is serious business. I spent countless hours in my mom's classroom and sometimes still do. From a young age, you know that lesson plans are a pain and that summer and the two weeks at Christmas are the reasons for living. Here are some things you know to be true if you were raised by a teacher:
1. You appreciate sharpened pencils.
The number of pencils that will be sharpened in the lifetime of a teacher is ridiculous and the amount sharpened by a teacher's kid is even more ridiculous.
2. Sunday nights are a God forsaken time
Sunday nights are where the week goes to die. A night consumed by lesson plans, grading papers, and self loathing.
3. Field trips are in fact, no fun
There are too many logistics, rules, kids, and it's better just to stay home.
4. You don't want to hear their teacher voice.
The teacher voice is the scariest sound known to man and speaks directly to your soul. When they say, "don't make me use my teacher voice" you better check yourself real quick.
5. Summers should be treasured.
Sweet, sweet summer. While all other parents hate summer, teacher parents relish every single second of it.
6. Pulling workbook pages sucks.
You will get blisters and you will hate your life.
7. The EZ grader is your best friend.
Slide and grade, slide and grade.
8. You appreciate a good pen.
"Wow, this pen writes nicely, I'm going to use it to help my mom grade papers"
9. Your classroom floor is never clean
Never, there is always paper, pencils, boogers, something.
10. Your school day is not over when the kids go home.
You will bring stacks of papers home with you and stay in your classroom for hours on end.
11. You know for sure you don't want to be a teacher
You've done the job since you were at least one year older than the age of the kids your parent teaches and it's time to retire.