Urban Dictionary gives two definitions for the word Color Guard:
1. a semi-cult which no one outside of it understands, because they cannot handle the greatness of it
2. a group of girls, and occasionally a gay guy, who make marching band far more interesting by dancing and spinning flags, sabres, rifles, batons, and sometimes the odd prop or two.
In my opinion these two definitions pretty much sum up what Color Guard/Winter Guard is. Winter Guard is basically the same thing except its inside and to an audio track! But here is a fun little list that gives you all the struggles of what it Winter Guard.
1. The dreaded floor
Let's start here. Pulling the floor is literally one of the worst things about Winter Guard. It's really nice when you go to competitions because other Winter Guards will actually help you with this ridiculously large, heavy, dirty floor.
2. Makeup
So basically if you have ever done Color Guard you know the struggle of field makeup. Well Winter Guard is that struggle times infinity. Everything is bigger, brighter, and more stuck on. There's time you even use shellac on your face. Seriously. No ordinary makeup wipe will ever be able to get this junk off!3. Hair
The same concept goes for your hair. You have a million bobby pins (but really what girl doesn't). You own tons of hairspray (aqua net is the strongest hold). You keep way too may pony tail holders on hand and you always know that your hair can be bigger and more of a rats nest for the next show. Don't even try to brush your hair after a show. That's not happening!4. Your body
Let's talk about it. Your body goes through some stuff when your life is Guard. You get bruises, broken/jammed fingers, concussions, sprained ankles; pretty much anything can happen to you when you throw a seven-foot pole in the air and have to catch it, along with a dense rifle and a heavy saber (that's a sword just in case you were wondering).
5. The equipment
Speaking of swords! Yeah we throw sabers and rifles in the air for fun. Most of the time I just pray that I catch it and it doesn't end up falling on my feet. I'll risk getting hit in the head or jamming a finger or two to save my feet.
6. Your costume
For some odd reason every guard instructor across the nation likes to put their guard in some crazy costume and then put them out on the floor to perform in it. Don't get me wrong my costumes were never horrible but I've seen some questionable pieces. But the judges love it, the more theatrical & creative the better.
7. The instructor
Have you ever had someone be so mean to you but then turn around and make you feel great? That's a guard instructor. When they are counting and yelling and counting some more you literally want to cry. But when you throw a 5 on rifle and catch it their face lights up and they make you feel like a total bad a**.
8. One more time
Going off the instructors... This is an instructors favorite phrase, mostly because they say it every single time you do something. Don't worry that one more time won't be the last, you still have about 15 more run throughs before you get to the actual one more time, or not. You never know.
9. Water
Your best friend is the water break. Even though it's usually short lived (basically your water break is 30 second for less) it's still an awesome time. Mostly because you can stop for a minute and feel all the throbbing your body is doing from being worked so hard and question why you even do this stuff to begin with.
10. Counting
Everything is in counts of 8. If it;s not its weird and I don't like it. You can literally count your entire show (even the silent flag feature) in your head. You don't even have to count out loud anymore (thats a big accomplishment). All while your counting you're still thinking in your head "Why the heck do I do this?"
11. This is why
Guard is more than just a football or winter guard season. It's more than just throwing some random object in the air and hoping you catch it (scratch that by now you know you'll catch it). It's sleeping on class room floors and hearing all of your teammates snore too loud so you can't really go to sleep. It's creating a bond and a friendship with someone who knows exactly what color guard is. It's the rushing adrenaline feeling you have when performing at championships in front way too many people to even count. It's something I miss every single day and I wouldn't trade the world for the experience I got.