This year I am going into my senior year in high school. In the past three years I have learned so much more than the textbook lessons. I’m still nowhere near all knowing and having anything figured out, but the things I learned have shaped me into a completely new person with a completely new mindset. So, without further ado, here are the 11 things I would tell my freshman self.
1. Don’t make yourself a secondary character in your own story.
It’s important to make other people happy and show them how much you care, but not if it means losing yourself in the process.
2. Stand up for yourself.
Don’t let people walk all over you because you deserve the same opportunities they do. If you get an unfair grade, have the teacher change it. If someone treats you wrongly, call them out. If you don’t say anything people will use you as a stepping stone to get the awards, recognition and opportunities that you want.
3. Try.
Passion is such an attractive quality. If you’re going to do something give it 100 percent. Whether it be tiny assignments in school or roles in theatre, give it your all. You are too old for your oblivious “I don’t care” attitude. I know the assignments won’t always seem important or worth your time, but if you do them so many doors will be opened for you.
4. Get involved.
You aren’t too cool for football games and dances. They will help you meet an abundance of people that you aren’t usually associated with during the school day. These events will create the memories that you will cherish most. People always say that high school goes fast and you won’t believe them, but trust me, it will go by in a blink of an eye. Find something at school that you are passionate about.
5. You will hate school if you go solely for the academics.
There are so many amazing programs that you can join. Once you find your niche and join, you will find a whole new group of people who will become your family.
6. Love love love.
Everyone is going through something and has doubts and insecurities that eat them alive. Treat everyone with as much kindness as possible because you can make someone's day or make them decide to not do something that they would have regretted. Don’t judge people. You aren’t anywhere near perfect so don’t expect other people to be. Life is too short to be hateful and petty.
7. Don’t get too upset over boys.
If one comes along then that’s great, but if not don’t stress about it. They aren’t worth putting your success and happiness on the back burner. Always remember, you were OK before them and you will be OK after.
8. Spend time with your family.
Don’t forget that they are growing older too. These are your last years living at home, so don’t spend them putting your family second for temporary experiences and friends. Your parents are such a valuable tool during this time. Even though you disagree with most of their ideas and morals, don’t forget that they went through high school too. You may be surprised at the advice they can give you.
9. Ask for help. You cannot do this alone.
If you are struggling academically or mentally talk to someone and get help. Your teachers are there to help you. If you are struggling that doesn’t mean that you are flawed, it means that you are human. Chances are you aren’t alone in your struggle and that there will be people there to help you heal and grow.
10. Don't spend these years behind your phone.
Having a good and memorable experience is more important than showing people that you did. Talk to the people around you, read more books, be more present. Technology has so many benefits and it’s such a good thing when used in moderation.
11. People will come and go, and sometimes there's not anything you can do about it.
Sometimes you just outgrow people. Don't blame yourself for that. If you did something to make someone leave, own up to it and apologize. Life is way too short to hold unnecessary grudges (and trust me, most grudges are.) It never gets easier. You’ll think that you have things figured out, but trust me you won't. You will change your mind almost as often as you change your hair. Your happiness will continue to fluctuate, but you will learn to be more thankful for the happy times.
Cherish the happy times, the times that you laugh until your stomach hurt and the successes. Don't dwell on the negative and the things you can't change.