A tomboy can be described as a girl (usually young) who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys. And if you grew up as a tomboy, you know that there are a few traits that linger in your life because of it.
1. You know all of the playground rules
Pick up basketball, kickball, touch football, 33, you know them all and used to win them all.
2. Having no pictures with your friends from Elementary School
Because the boys never wanted to pose for photos and you always wanted to be cool with that.
3. You were way behind on makeup
Your thick eyeliner stage was three years after everyone else actually knew how to apply their own.
4. Converse at every school dance
Because you were too cool for heels.
5. Always claiming you didn't have any crushes
Once you liked any of the boys you knew you'd be ousted from being part of the group.
6. Your transformations are the best
Because front bangs and baggy hoodies to your college self is quite a bit of change.
7. Lingering misogyny
Because being one of the boys always made you wary of "other girls" and you're still learning to get over that because other girls are great.
8. Having to buy all the basic items
Because you never had a ton of necklaces you could choose from, now if you need one you have to go out and buy it new.
9. You missed a lot of the middle school trends
You were too busy asking your mom to buy you jerseys to get feathers in your hair (and now you miss out on embarrassing bonding moments because of it).
10. Home team sports knowledge
Even though you might not always keep up, you have a lot of knowledge on the 2012 Browns team floating around in your head.
11. Fond memories
For all of the bad that came with being a tomboy, and growing out of certain parts of being a tomboy, it's a big part of who you are and you wouldn't trade it.