There are things in life that I have taken for granted that I never thought I would be able to miss, until one day for our own health and the health of those around us, we were told we couldn't do anything but stay inside. As difficult as it has been to have the whole world on hold, there are a lot of things I'm eager to be able to do again.
1. Hanging out with friends
Something like being able to go to a friends house just to hang out didn't seem like like something we'd ever have to miss. However, quarantine can't last forever, and that is one of the first things I look forward to doing.
2. Going to school
Whether it's high school, college, or grad school, being able to be taught by someone in person is something that we can all agree we took for granted. The feeling of sitting next to a friend while taking notes in one of the more challenging classes, is unmatched and I miss it.
3. Going out to eat
Who would've thought that going out to eat would be banned for a while? No one, but now that it's not allowed it is something we are all eager to go do. Who knows, maybe I will choose a table over a booth for once in my life.
4. Going to the movies
Being able to go to the movies was such an activity that I overlooked and didn't cherish enough, but there is nothing like going to watch the premiere of a movie you have been looking forward to with movie theater popcorn and a slushee.
5. Working a job
As the pandemic hit and places had to close down, many of us were left unemployed. One of the biggest things I look forward to is being able to go back to my hosting job at one of our local restaurants. Who would have thought we would want to go back to work?
6. Going shopping
We all have to acknowledge the fact that we have probably gone over our budget for online shopping, but there is nothing like anticipating a package on your doorstep, especially when there is nothing better to do. However, nothing beats going to your favorite store and wandering around looking to buy things we probably don't even need.
7. Going to see your favorite artist in concert
Although this is one we might not be able to expect until 2021, the wait will be worth it. Our favorite artists have also been in quarantine with nothing better to do than to make music, and that makes for the best concerts. Plus, with all of our online shopping, picking an outfit might be way easier than normal.
8. Going on a trip
Being stuck at home has made us want to do anything but that. Thus making the future trips like summer vacation, winter break, and spring break are going to be enjoyed and cherished way more than they usually are.
9. New shows coming out
With stay at home orders in place, some of our favorite shows have had to stop filming and put on hold the new seasons. As devastating as it is having to wait longer for a new season of your favorite show, just thinking about how all of the seasons will probably come out around the same time is not a bad thing at all. Everyone should look forward to being able to enjoy new seasons of multiple shows back to back.
10. Going to church
One thing nobody ever thought was going to be cancelled was definitely church. With businesses opening up slowly, I believe churches are going to be one of the first places to open back up so that everyone can finally go back to enjoying the beautiful Sunday mornings.
11. Sitting down at your favorite coffee shop
There is absolutely nothing like going to a local coffee shop that you love, and sitting down to to work by yourself. The feeling of being able to sip on your coffee while smelling the baristas brewing fresh cups every minute and sit down for some time to yourself is unbeatable.