Hell week, or finals week as some call it, is coming up as much as we would all like to ignore that fact. This is a topic I would rather not discuss and quite frankly gives me a bad taste in my mouth. Finals week is typically full of crying, stressing, stressing because you are crying, binge eating, no sleep, and a semi-truck load of coffee. For those that have never experienced a college finals week, I urge you to not make any sudden movements when around a college student and to let the week run its course. For those preparing for finals, here are some essentials to get you through whether it is your first finals week or your sixth.
1. You will need caffeine, A LOT OF IT!!!
Coffee, Monster, Coke, caffeine pills, 5-Hour Energy, whichever way you take it, you will need it! Depending on how much of that final paper you have written or how much studying you haven't done yet, there is a good chance you will not be sleeping much the night before. So start chugging and don't stop! Have some Excedrin on stand-by for when finals are done because there is a good chance you will experience caffeine withdrawl!
2. Blankets
This is one that might not seem like an essential but it is! Between the late night study sessions in the library or for just some comfort, investing in a soft, fuzzy blanket is a must! Heck, take it to class with you! No one cares during finals and on the plus side, it will catch your tears if you start crying during a final.
3. Comfy clothes are a must!
Finals week is so hectic that there is a chance you may not shower all week. There is no point in putting on makeup or doing your hair or even trying to look nice! There is no one you need to impress. If you haven't impressed them all semester, there is no point in trying now! Break out the dry shampoo, messy buns, sweatpants, and leggings. Embrace it!
4. Food
Whatever type of food suits your fancy! I typically just eat a bunch of snacks and, again, drink a lot of coffee. You do need to eat a meal or two during the week, though. Some wise advice would be to try and eat one meal every day with some sort of protein in it. This will keep you from feeling like complete crap all week. Also, if you are on a diet, finals week is cheat week. If you feel up to continuing your diet during break feel free but don't beat yourself up if you don't follow it.
5. Chargers
Again with the late study nights, you do not want to get caught in the middle of studying when your laptop or phone dies. If you know you are going to be gone from your dorm room for a while, make sure to grab your charger before you head out the door.
6. Headphones
This is the best way to avoid people all week! I love listening to music when studying or even doing homework. I never go anywhere without my headphones in general but during finals week it is crucial. Also, headphones are useful if you do not want to disturb others when you are in the library especially when you need to watch videos for studying. Please don't be that person! Bring your headphones, please!
7. A plan
You have to have some sort of plan during finals week. When you are going to study, when you are going to take a break, when you are going to nap, and even plan that mental breakdown that you have been putting off for weeks! Hopefully scheduling it out will make things go a little easier instead of locking yourself away for half the day to study one subject. Also make sure you make a realistic plan, don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself this week. Any other week of the year sure, but not finals week.
8. Youtube/Netflix
You will need to take a break from all the books, notes, and powerpoint slides. During that break, how about an episode or two of the show you are currently binge watching or your favorite Disney movie? You just can't enter the deep abyss that is binge watching. Tread with caution!!
9. Take a walk or exercise
They say that exercise reduces stress. Now since I am a generally lazy human, I have not really tested this method. I will just put this one in the hands of the professionals. Go take a walk. It might do you some good.
10. Call Home
Sometimes all you need is some love. Calling home is the easiest way to do that. So when you feel like you have reached that end of your rope, pick up the phone! Call mom, dad, siblings, mother's-brother's-uncle's best friend. Whoever you need to call just do it!!
11. Remember you can do it!
You can do this! This will not be the end of the world! It may feel like the longest week of your life but I promise that finals will end. You are smart. You are important. You are kind. You will kick those finals in the butt!!