Have you ever had your flight get delayed when your already at the airport? Two days ago I was going to Florida to visit my sister when my flight at 7:50 was delayed for two hours but the airport informed me that I still needed to be at the airport an hour before my original flight time. Here's a list of some of the things I did when I had to wait.
1. Read a book. Have a book on your shelf that you haven't had the time to read yet? Bring it with you because you never know if your flight will get delayed. If you're in the middle of a book then bring a second one just in case you finish the first like I did.
2. Watch a movie. Whether you have a DVD and your laptop or you download one on your iPad, watching a movie is a great way to pass the time. Just make sure you bring your headphones. Because while you may be excited to watch your movie, everyone around you is not.
3. Do your homework. Whether your in college or high school bring school work along that you're going to have to do anyways so might as well get it done when you have nothing else to do.
4. Play an iMessage texting game with your friends. I choose to play battleship with one of my friends which lasted me the majority of the two hours.
5. Eat. Some kind of food place has to be open when your there so stop by and grab something to eat because you're going to get hungry sooner or later.
6. Drink coffee. If your flight is late at night, find some coffee because you do not want to sleep through your boarding call.
7. Call your family. Keep your family updated on what is going on at the airport so they can come get you if in the end your flight gets canceled instead
8. Charge your phone and/or iPad. The last thing you need when you finally get on your plane is for your phone to die and you have nothing to do on the flight.
Now here's some of the things I saw other people do that I should have done.
9. Do sudoku or a crossword. Whether you have a book or an app on your phone, it's a great way to keep your mind working and pass the time.
10. Go to the airport bar. Although I'm under 21, if you're of age go get a drink while you wait.
11. Make a friend. Talk to your fellow passengers who are waiting cause they are in the same boat as you are so might as well talk to each other.