Like many college students, you're probably spending your break wasting the day away sleeping. If you aren't sleeping, maybe there's a possibility you're just sitting around doing nothing. Do you need something to do while you're on this break? You're in luck!
1. Visit Friends
You know the ones I'm talking about. Have you talked with your 'ole high school buddies lately? This is the time to break out the yearbooks and call them up!
2. Bake Something
What parent doesn't love coming home to the smell of freshly baked cookies? Oh, your parents don't like cookies? Brownies should do the trick!
3. Volunteer at a Non-Profit
Non-Profit organizations are always looking for some extra help!
4. Binge Watch Netflix
Grey's Anatomy and Friday Night Lights are two of my favorites...
5. Go For a Walk
If you live in an area with sidewalks, take a nice stroll!
6. Get Lost in the City
Have a city near you? Go for a drive, park your car, and walk around!
7. Catch Up on Reading
Do you have a book you love reading? Re-read it. You'll notice some things you didn't before.
8. Buy a Camera
Go take some pictures out in the wild. By wild, I mean the outdoors.
9. Go Somewhere
Fill up your car with gas and just start driving. Where will you end up?
10. Get a Temporary Job
Don't spend your break in boredom, find someone willing to hire you for the couple of weeks you're on break.
11. Spend Time with Family
They love having you home so why not spend time with them?
I know the break seems like it's never going to end, but I promise it will. Before you know it, you'll be back on campus and you'll be wishing for the next break. Have a wonderful break!