As spring break passes and the promise of summer vacation draws closer and closer, it can become a challenge to stay focused and organized for the rest of the school year. Even with all the excitement of summer internships, adventures, and carefree nights in sight, it's important to remember to make the most of your last few months of the semester. Here a few tips for finishing out your time as a student in the spring semester.
1. Keep Up With Your Homework
Yes, it's a pain, and maybe you are completely distracted with telling everyone all about your spring break in Europe or your party stories from Cancun, but it's important to keep up with your work. As the end of the year draws near, so do all the finals, projects, papers due at the end of the semester. So don't get behind in your easy homework, which leads me to...
2. Don't Procrastinate
Whether it's with that huge paper due at the end of the semester, those references you're supposed to be collecting, the service hours you need to turn in to your fraternity, sorority, or club, or scheduling for next semester, STOP PUTTING IT OFF. These months are going to fly by.
3. Set Aside Time To Hang Out With Your Friends
Even though the end of semester can get hectic, don't forget to spend time with your friends. Whether it's going out or even just watching Netflix with them, soon, you won't all be together, and you are going to miss each other A LOT.
4. Don't Slack On Your Workout Routine
Exercise produces endorphines. Endorphines makes you happy. Bonus: Your body will be toned for the summer.
5. Start Applying For A Summer Job
Since you'll be able to work a whole month earlier than most high schoolers looking for a summer job, you already have a leg up. That being said, trying to figure out your summer work plans now will put you even further ahead, so you can start making money ASAP.
6. File Your FAFSA
Yes, I know, your mom and countless emails have already reminded you. But student debt is real, so get on that.
7. Budget Your Money
Although it's tempting to go out and buy a new wardrobe for the warmer weather, remember to spend wisely. When summer starts, you'll be wanting to spend a lot on summer concerts, vacations, etc., so try to keep you wallet (somewhat) closed off.
8. Adventure Around While The Weather Is Nice
Whether your school is located in a large city or a small college town, the warm spring weather provides a perfect opportunity to explore your surroundings.
9. Thank Your Professor
If you had a professor who really stood out, let them know. If possible, get their email or contact information and keep in touch with them. They could be a useful mentor and reference for the rest of your college experience, and perhaps an important part of your professional network, as well.
10. Clean Your Dorm or Apartment
Spring cleaning is a MUST. Not only will this help you to stay organized, but you can throw away or donate items you don't want or need anymore. That way, when you go home in May, you have less to pack.
11. Make Time For Yourself
Although the weight of finals is fast approaching and your schedule is packed, don't forget to breathe and enjoy yourself. You're completing a year of college. You should be proud of yourself and your achievements! Don't forget to allow yourself a nap or a night out, you're only young once.
Enjoy the rest of your semester!