With the commotion of the upcoming election looming around the corner, as well as the world’s numerous violent attacks lately, it is easy to get discouraged and angry at the unpredictability of this world. Let’s take a step back, breathe, and reflect on the things we have to be thankful for in this country right now, here, in the present.
1. You’re alive.
Many have fallen. Many lose their lives every day without choice. But you are alive, right here, right now. You’re breathing. Just let that soak in and appreciate the life you have right now.
2. You’re able to read this right now.
Not everyone has the technology available to them to read articles like these or access social media. Take a moment to appreciate the technology you have.
3. You have a roof over your head.
Maybe you don’t live in a big house. Maybe you’re living somewhere temporarily. Either way, you have a place to sleep and a place to live, which not everyone has the privilege of experiencing.
4. You have a say in who becomes our next president.
There are countries in this world without order, and we know about their struggles. We have democracy. Having the right to vote is a blessing in itself. Maybe the candidates are not what we expected, but we must appreciate the fact that we have a say.
5. You can believe what you want.
Many countries have preferred religions, preferred social systems, and forced beliefs. You have the ability to believe what you wish to believe, even if it’s not the majority belief. This is a beautiful right.
6. You have a family.
Each family looks different. Even if you’re missing a parent, both parents, a sibling, or whatever unique situation you have, you can find families in all different environments, even if you aren’t actually related to them.
7. You can get an education.
It may not be in your budget for college (but really, nobody really has the budget for college), but we have public education systems where we all have the ability to attend and be educated. Many countries prohibit women from education or don’t allow certain ages or classes to be educated because of the harsh social system. In America, you have the opportunity to receive an education.
8. You can watch videos of cute furry animals.
This may not fit in with the others, but it’s true. Cute animal videos make anyone’s day. Maybe you even have a cute furry animal of your own that can make your day.
9. You have memories.
Memories from five minutes ago, memories from a week ago, memories from when you were five years old. You can find a good memory somewhere, at some point in your life. This is a blessing in itself.
10. You can smile at the little things.
Think about those times where you just stop, smile, and think to yourself, Wow, I’m lucky, or This is pretty cool. Maybe you’re tying your shoe and you remember a funny moment in your life, or maybe you’re taking a walk and think about the beauty around you. It’s these little moments in life that make us realize exactly what we have to be thankful for.
11. There’s always tomorrow.
If you had a bad day or you’re disappointed with your week, your country, or even how your life is going at this moment in time, take a minute. Stop. Breathe. There’s always tomorrow. Be thankful for today, and you will seize tomorrow.