There are many morning rituals people do to get their day started; it’s a great way to get any day started on a positive note. However, people usually forget to adopt a specific nighttime routine. This can be an issue because having specific nighttime habits is key to having a restful sleep. There are many things people can do to assure restorative sleep. Here are some ideas anyone can do an hour or two before bed.
1. Power down technology.
Lots of people, especially young adults, fall asleep while using technology. But the light of a computer, tablet, or phone is a blue spectrum light that tells the brain to stay awake. Not only will powering down help you clear your head from the millions of things available through your device, but this will also reduce the likelihood of having poor sleep.
2. Dim the lights.
Darkness naturally tells the brain to go to bed. It cues the body to produce melatonin, which is a hormone that naturally helps your body wind down. By dimming the lights, the melatonin production increases and your body gets ready for a good night rest.
3. Read a book.
Reading before bed is often overlooked. It helps people focus on things other than what’s going on their life. This helps people who are going through a lot of things in their life, including stress at work and even relationship troubles. After reading, the body is usually relaxed and prepared for bed.
4. Turn down the thermostat.
Most people would never think of adjusting the temperature before bed. This is because the body is already acclimated to the world around them. But the ideal sleeping temperature should be around 65 degrees. This will make the body cooler and it will cause the body to become sleepier.
5. Meditate.
Meditating is an easy way to force your body to relax. It clears and quiets the mind. By meditating for as little as ten minutes your body and mind will be ready for a restful night.
6. Do yoga stretches in your bed.
Exercising at night is sometimes too stimulating and keeps the brain awake. But a calm yoga session is relaxing enough to do the exact opposite. Unlike what many people believe, you could even do these stretches from the comfort of your bed.
7. Drink cherry juice.
Tart cherry juice is a very simple way of inducing sleep. This is because melatonin is found in cherries. Because of this, it is known that cherry juice will naturally help a person fall into calm, deep sleep.
8. Journal.
Writing down one’s thoughts is a simple way of clearing the mind. Sometimes all people want to do is talk about the things on their mind. Writing things down is a very methodical way of helping people prepare themselves at night as their mind clears with every written word.
9. Tidy up.
This may sound strange, but neatening your bedroom will make your sleeping area seem more at peace. Not only that but waking up to a clean space will make your morning more stress-free.
10. Go for a walk.
Similar to yoga, walking can also be a simple way to clear the mind. Being in the outdoors sometimes helps people feel calm enough to get a goodnight rest.
11. Get in bed.
This is probably the most simple way of getting the body ready for bed. However, not many people do it. Some people tend to neglect their bedroom which oftentimes keeps the body awake. So next time you’re trying to sleep, thinks about getting under the sheets!
Sleep is very important. It keeps the body rested and healthy enough to take on the days ahead. So make sure to try one of these tips and get a good night’s rest!