There are many things that we do every single day that often times, we don't even give a second thought about. However, imagine the very first time an action was taken by the first humans on earth. How weird that must have been, right? Well, here's a list of those things that might have been weird to the very first humans who tried them.
1. Sex.
Or anything sexually related, for that matter. I mean seriously, how did they decide what goes where? Did they just attempt every hole on the body until something worked? Or, was it just instinct?
2. Making out.
So whoever decided "i'm going to lick my tongue with your tongue to show a sign of affection" had to have given it some sort of thought. Imagine if making out would have been an angry behavior? If it was socially acceptable and encouraged to lick tongues with the person you hate.
3. Pooping.
So one day, the first human got a stomach pain. All of a sudden, stuff was coming out of a hole in the body. What did they do? Did they know to wipe? Did they ask a friend if it happened to them as well?
4. The first friend.
Were they forced to be friends because they were the only two people around? Were there options for other people to make friends with if you didn't like the person? Did the first friend find it creepy that the other person always wanted to be around them?
5. Clapping.
How did they decide that slapping both hands together meant a form of congratulations? Or did they slap each other first? Was it a high-five effect, or did they high-five themselves because they had no friends?
6. Walking.
I'm sure everyone has seen a baby deer walking. Did the first humans just stumble around like that for a until they gained balance? Did they give up if they fell down and just crawled around for a bit?
7. Laughing.
How was this decided to be a happy noise? It definitely had to have been that an odd noise came out at a funny time. Imagine the stares from those around them who also wondered if they could make that happy noise.
8. Tickling.
This had to have evolved from the first poke. How awkward must it have been to be the first person to receive a tickle ever, like "woah dude stop, this isn't...WAIT HA HA HA YES PLEASE KEEP USING YOUR FINGERS TO TOUCH AREAS ON MY BODY THAT ARE CAUSING ME TO MAKE HORSE LIKE NOISES. I DON''T KNOW IF I LIKE IT, BUT SORT OF?"
9. Eating.
Did the first people know that food would be what would keep them alive, or did they just randomly put things in their mouths and swallow? How many people actually died of starvation before they realized that food was a necessity?
10. Sneezing.
All of a sudden, the first person felt this weird sensation in their nose (if they knew what a nose was, if not just a weird sensation in the middle of their face), and gunk flew out of the holes. Were they worried? Did they try and make it happen again?
11. Crying.
I can picture the first person going "eyes got wet! eyes wet!" and feeling panicky when droplets of water ran down their face. I guess that was how sadness was created?