Let's take a trip down memory lane. The horror that was Middle School. Three years of the most awkward and most likely ugliest stages of your life. You still cringe thinking about all the embarrassing things you did, but realize that it’s in the past and there’s NOTHING you can do about it. Here are some totally awkward things we all did that make you want to reevaluate your entire existence.
1. The Duck Face.
You all did it and thought it was cute. Looking back now you realize that this was one of, if not the most embarrassing phase of your life. The arm raised, high angle profile picture on your Myspace page definitely featured your best duck face. You currently relive the horror of this era through your lovely time hop.
2. Braces.
What else would make your super cute duck face look even better than your protruding braces? They hurt, they made your awkward middle school self look even worse than you already did. They even came in cool colors which you totally coordinated with whatever holiday was coming up next.
3. Mirror Pics.
Back when cameras didn’t have the option to turn off the flash, and if they did, your picture came out blurry and it wasn’t Myspace worthy. Even Tom had a mirror pic! Don’t forget to throw up your peace sign.
4. Aeropostale.
Paired with your Hollister jean skirt and chestnut Uggs. You wore it because all your friends did, and you definitely outfit repeated this multiple times a month. 90 percent of your pictures from middle school probably involved some sort of combination of this, and you totally regret it...
5. Middle School Dances.
These were the epitome of your middle school life. You got to show off your best dance moves doing the cotton eyed joe AND the cha-cha slide. Scanning the school gym for your crush, and waiting for the circulation dance to finally have the chance to stand arm's length apart trying to hide your excitement behind your wet and wild eye shadow and lip smackers.
6. Temperature by Sean Paul.
7. Scrunched Hair.
Putting massive amounts of gel or hairspray in your hair and straightening your bangs. You thought you looked “Hawt,” but in reality, you looked like a wet dog walking down the hallway.
8. Scene/Hot Topic Phase.
Middle school is probably where you went through your freaky “scene” phase. This was probably where you first tried to dye your hair some weird color your mom hated, and you thought you looked SO GOOD, but realizing now that this was one of the worst decisions you have EVER made. Neon colored or patterned skinny jeans, studded belts, and Fall Out Boy t-shirts to add to your angsty 13-year-old self.
9. Juicy Tracksuits.
If you didn’t have one, you certainly wanted one. If you had one, you wore it more than you should have. Of course, you wore your straight-laced Etnies, and never felt hotter. You were wearing JUICY COUTURE, of course, you were hot. Thinking about it now, you realize you looked like a clone with all your bff's, and they made you look like the Regina George's mom.
The best and most memorable YouTube video of our generation. You quoted it for days after you first saw it, and you get super nostalgic when someone references it. You were jealous that Kelly could ultimately get what she wanted, SHOES. You look back on this now and think, " Why was this even cool?" because it's totally weird.
11. AIM
You prided yourself on how cute and clever your AIM away message and profile were. You rushed home from school just to wait until your BFF4L*who you had just seen 20 minutes ago leaving school* signed on to AIM so you could recap all the juicy gossip that happened on the bus ride home. Guaranteed your screen name included something about the sport you play or animal you liked and ended in X3, because that was cool right? WRONG.
Middle School, while awkward as anything, was probably one of the best eras of your life. The awkwardness molded you into the awkward adult that you still are, and probably always will be.