11 Things That All University Of Delaware Students Can Relate To
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11 Things That All University Of Delaware Students Can Relate To

UDon't understand unless you go to UD.

11 Things That All University Of Delaware Students Can Relate To

As cliché as it sounds, college provides a truly unique and individualized experience for everyone. However, every school is endowed not only with its perks, but also with its quirks. Coincidentally enough, the University of Delaware possesses no shortage of such idiosyncrasies. Here are 11 things that all UD students can relate to:

1. You No Longer Get Winded When Climbing Stairs:

At the University of Delaware, making it to class can come at a “steep” price. Students continuously make the arduous journey to the top floors of academic buildings such as Gore and Willard, of which after eating at any of the dining halls, might as well be the same as attempting to scale Everest. From Newark to Nepal, no climb can stop a Blue Hen.

2. You Throw Around the Term “daging” Like It Will Prevent the World From Ending:

Students at UD are subject to both a unique and highly elevated vocabulary, in particular when it comes to describing leisure activities. UD Students frequently utilize the term “daging” to designate the action of going to a party and drinking during the day. Much the same cannot be said for other, less sophisticated institutions of learning whose students use provincial phrases like “darty.” [Cringes.]

3.You Refuse to Acknowledge Towson as a Real University:

A cherished pastime of UD students and alumni alike is not acknowledging rival school Towson University as a legitimate college has become a rite of passage for Blue Hens. My one piece of advice for Towson attendees or graduates is to refrain from telling a Blue Hen where you go or went to school. This will in fact save you from a lifetime of roasting.

4. You are Immune to the Smell of Mushrooms:

There is nothing more “UD” than walking outside on a beautiful spring day, breeze softly blowing and carrying with it a most putrid odor of mushrooms being grown at the farms nearby. Doubtless, students receive so much exposure to this nauseating scent that they have certainly developed genetically superior olfactory receptors, shielding them from such odorous stenches.

5. You Have an Irrational Fear of Squirrels:

UD’s campus is rampant with squirrels. However, these are no ordinary rodents. These bushy-tailed beasts do not fear humans. In fact, they can smell your fear, I’m relatively sure. From hauling entire apples around to consistently darting out of garbage cans, these ungodly creatures are more confusing and ominous than an M. Night Shyamalan screenplay.

6. You’re Fairly Certain That You’re Going to Hell:

No student at UD is unfamiliar with “Kirkbride Jesus”, who has historically stood outside of Kirkbride Hall preaching and informing the populous that each and every one of them is going to Hell. No one knows for sure, but one can infer that he is referring to Towson.

7. You Worship People Named Joe:

From Biden to Flacco, Joes have historically become successful after attending UD (NJ governor Chris Christie graduated from UD as well, but we as a campus like to forget that fact).

8. You Treat Jaywalking Like a Capital Offense:

Things I learned on my first day: Don’t jaywalk across Main Street. Just don’t do it.

9. You’re Wary Around Talking Crosswalk Signs:

If you’ve never had nightmares about “Main Street, walk sign is on,” you clearly do not go to the University of Delaware.

10. You’re Prepared to Build an Ark Every Time It Rains:

If you attend the University of Delaware, you understand the struggle of trying to get around campus during a thunderstorm or shower. With a drainage system clearly designed by the squirrels who roam campus themselves, UD boasts a “most likely to cause flooding” superlative.

11. You Know How to Have a Good Time:

Whether it’s at a party, outside on the Green, or just hanging out with friends, Blue Hens always know how to have a good time.

So remember, if you’re ever in doubt as to whether you’re really a Blue Hen, just ask yourself if you remembered your mittens, if the dumpster behind Grotto Pizza makes you uncomfortable, and most importantly, if this list pertains to you.

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