Headaches are a pain. I get them almost every day, so I'm the first person to sympathize with anyone suffering from head discomfort. It's hard to live life when you are constantly distracted by pulsating pain in your head. Headaches aren't something others can see, so they can cause those who suffer to be misunderstood. You may seem lazy if you just want to take a nap, or you may seem rude if you cancel plans (over and over). I have found that there are situations and thoughts that people who get headaches often can relate to.
1. When you wake up with a headache, all chances of a productive morning are gone.
2. Thinking, “I really wish I could be engaged in this, but it’s hard for me to focus my eyes right now.”
3. Soon after you close your eyes to make yourself feel better during social events, thinking (and sometimes saying), “I’m not actually tired and uninterested, but my headache is causing me to seem that way. Sorry.”
4. Going to sleep. Anywhere, anytime. You need to rest.
5. Putting ice packs on your head… and face… and neck. Whatever works! Frozen vegetables will also do the trick.
6. “Did I take two pills? Or three?” * Reads directions on bottle *
7. You just want to eat, sleep, and not work out today.
8. You've tried everything.
9. Canceling plans because of a headache.
10. “The sun is killing me. Actually, daylight in general is just not good.”
11. You are a certified hypochondriac.