When going back to school in the fall, you're excited to move in, see your friends and go out. However, the first day of classes will come up fast and is a roller coaster of emotions.
You were too early for your first class.
Even being a sophomore and knowing where most buildings are, I still left too much time to get to classes and ended up sitting outside the rooms for at least 15 minutes.
You found a friend in one of your classes who you didn’t know was taking it.
You'll always have a partner and study buddy.
You listened to every teacher go though syllabi and the academic integrity policy.
Over and over and over.
You awkwardly waved hi to that person you barely know but was your best friend at the party last night.
Excuse me while I go crawl under a rock.
You put your first quiz in your calendar…for a Friday morning.
But you'll still go out the Thursday night before.
You had your first mental breakdown.
The first of many...
You’ve gone to the library just to kill time because you don’t have work yet.
So you try to find a seat where no one can see that you're on Facebook and Netflix.
You walked into the wrong classroom...while the class was going on.
Who doesn't love a whole class staring at you?
You walked past people you didn’t want to see on the way to class.
Now you'll have to find a new route around campus for the rest of the semester.
You’re already stressed about midterms and finals.
They come up quicker than you may think.
You’ve stopped trying to look cute by the second day.
You have the weekends to look good, anyway.
Your first week of classes will always be filled with ups and downs, but now it's over! On to the rest of the semester.