1. It's the biggest deal when you go to your 8 a.m. and your friends are so proud of you.
When getting up at 7:30 a.m. is part of your schedule two times a week, it is actually a rare occurrence that you actually show up to class. When you tell your friends that you went, they're so surprised and so happy for you.
2. The surprise factor of opening your grades on blackboard gets higher and higher.
Some of the best moments in life are those when you find out you aced a test that you took in which you didn't study for and you were still drunk from the night before.
3. There has been too many times when your teacher has called you out for not doing most of your home work.
It's that point in the semester where you're almost done and you don't have the energy to do school anymore. So basically, the teachers should "deal with it."
4. When you're sitting at your 9:30 AM on Friday and you're the only one hungover.
Who am I going to school with? What am I doing with my life? But last night was too worth not being able to listen to my TA rant right now.
5. It's time to block the teacher from putting an F on Blackboard.
You're GPA is suffering so much and your only shot of passing is going to the teacher's Office Hours and stopping them from putting in that grade.
6. With 3 weeks left you gotta live life to the fullest by going out 5 nights of the week.
7. When you realize you have three finals on the same day.
But the office won't let you move one.
8. The struggle is real when you have two projects but you've already given up with school.
Your friends will give you motivation to keep striving.
9. At this point in the semester, you haven't seen your family in a month and you won't for another one.
Otto's got it right... you miss your family. Even though you'll get annoyed with them within two days of being home for summer.
10. You're shocked to find that it still going to snow all week even though summer is three weeks away.
We are well into spring yet when you look out the window in the morning, you are scared to find snow on the ground when just last week everyone was wearing shorts while sitting on the quad.
11. When you realize that there is only a month left of school.
This year went by way to fast. It feels like the first tailgate of the year was last month, or that Halloween was just last weekend. The real question is what are you gonna do without your roommate for the whole summer, or having somewhere to go every night, waking up without your two parents in your face?