Just a few more days until we gather around the large table with family and loved ones and begin to dig into one of the largest feasts of the year. I, for one, cannot wait to go home and see not only my intermediate family, but also my extended family. During this time, we all reflect on our lives and find things to be thankful for. I can truly say that I am thankful for a lot that I have in my life. Here is a list of 11 thing I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving:
1. Mom and Dad
Not only am I thankful that I have both parent figures in my life, but I am grateful that my parents love me no matter what. They always support me and have raised me to be the young adult I am today.
2. Siblings
Even though we all get on each others nerves, I would not ask for anyone else to grow up with and have as friends!
3. Family
Like I said, I am not only thankful for my intermediate family, but also for my extended family. I am thankful that we can all get together over holidays and spend them together.
4. My Boyfriend
You are probably the only good thing that came out of the year 2016. I am so happy to have you apart of my life and always being so supportive! You are the best!
5. Friends
I am thankful for all my friends. You all constantly pick me up and know how to have a great time. I am so happy to have met each and every one of you.
6. My Dog and Cat
What is better than friends? Furry ones of course!
7. Education
I am thankful everyday that I am furthering my education by being able to attend a university that I love and feel at home.
8. Travel
I am thankful for being able to visit different and beautiful places.
9. Hobbies
I am grateful that I am able to express my love for writing by expressing myself on such an incredible platform. I am also grateful for being able to let loose and go country line dancing with some wonderful ladies!
10. Music
Not only to listen to my favorite music (Country to Rock) but also being able to attend live events.
11. To Wake Up Every Morning
Tomorrow is a new day! Give Thanks!