For most college students, the spring semester is coming to a close. Finals have been taken, dorm rooms packed up and cleaned, and all that's left is loading your life into a car and heading back home for an almost four-month summer break. In high school, you waited for summer relentlessly. Summer was so much better because you still had your friends close by and were generally free of responsibility, but it's a different feeling in college. When you leave for summer break, there's going to be many things you'll miss.
1. Your friends
Your remaining group of high school friends is great, but it's going to be so hard to leave your friends from school for four months.
2. Your freedom
No matter how cool your parents are, you can't just come home at 3 AM and expect no questions to be asked.
3. Your classes
As much as you complain about them during the school year, you're in college to study something that you love and leaving that for summer break may take some adjusting.
4. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (if you have one)
matter how hard you try and convince yourself, you're going to miss this person terribly. It's hard to go from seeing someone that you love every day, then having to switch over to FaceTime dates and text conversations for a while. If you don't have one, consider it less of a reason to be sad about leaving!
5. Having most of your favorite food places within walking distance
On a campus with Panera, Chickfila, Taco Bell, Starbucks, and Panda Express, you can't say that you aren't going to miss having all of those places no more than a seven-minute walk away.
6. Your dorm room
That concrete shoebox has become home to you. Your heart bereaks a little bit every time you take a wall decoration down to tack away or remove a Command Strip hook.
7. Your school
You have grown to love the environment of your school. You're going to miss late-night walks across campus or seeing tour groups full of excited incoming freshman walk through.
8. The dining hall food
I couldn't even type that with a straight face. This is one thing you definitely aren't going to miss (although you must admit, it is nice to have pizza available to you 24/7).
9. Your college town
The local restaurants, bars, and shops are what make your school unique! You love the area and the city you go to school in, but now it's back to your hometown for the summer.
10. Your caffeine addiction
It's not socially acceptable to drink more than three cups of coffee a day anywhere but on a college campus. You're going to have to go through at least a week of withdrawals before going back to being a one-cup-a-day type of person.
11. Your school
You may complain about it, but it's home. It was the first place you've ever lived by yourself and you have grown to love the campus and the people on it.
Happy summer everyone and an even happier end to the spring semester. See you in the fall!