To go along with my article about Supreme Assembly, this following list includes statements that only Rainbow Girls will understand. As Rainbow Girls we get asked questions of all kinds. From, “What’s Rainbow?” to “Oh, are you getting married today?” we’ve gotten it all.
1. No, I’m not getting married
We’ve all gotten this one when we need to make a stop for something while wearing our white gowns. This year at Supreme I know the Supreme Pages and Grand Cross of Color Team got many questions about their “Big Day.”
2. The Rainbow spiel
We’ve all been there where we have to explain what Rainbow is and generally it’s the same description. “It’s an international youth organization for girls ranging 11-20 with a focus on community service, public speaking and sisterhood.” Yes, that is the Cliff Notes version. I’m sure we all can go on for hours about what Rainbow is an how it impacted us.
3. No, we are not a cult
When explaining Rainbow to people, or when they see us all dressed in khakis with the same shirt, that’s generally one of the questions we get asked, but I can assure you that we are not a cult.
4. Sorry, I have Rainbow
As an active Rainbow Girl I had to say no to a lot of weekend activities for a Rainbow event, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. There’s an event almost every weekend, plus weekly meetings so if you want to be really involved, it becomes your life. So yes, I'm busy all the time.
5. No, Masons were not made up by Disney
The Free and Accepted Masons are our sponsoring body and I promise you they are real men in a real organization and not something Disney made up for “National Treasure.”
6. Pink is not a color of the Rainbow
Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but pink does not exist in the rainbow. The ACTUAL colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Here’s a little trick to help you remember: ROYGBIV
7. You need to know how to change in a car
You don’t know the real struggle until you’ve have to change into a full length gown while in the car because you’re coming from school, practice or whatever else you're involved in and won’t have time to change inside.
8. Fake hair is your best friend
If you need a nice hairdo quickly, then get a hair piece that matches your hair. All you have to do is put your hair in a quick bun and put the hair piece over it to give your hair the nice curly bun without the hours of effort.
9. Wearing a shorter dress is a luxury
When you spend all your time in a floor length gown, it’s great when you get those few events that you can wear a regular dress, or even better: khaki pants. But don’t think you’ll ever be able to wear jeans to a Rainbow event (you might be able to get away with it for some rehearsals though)
10. The crown dent
Some of us have permanent indents in our heads from crowns. No, it doesn’t hurt and you don’t really notice it until you’ve been wearing a crown for a while, but it is there and it always will. It’s my own personal reminder of my year as Worthy Advisor and then my year at Grand Charity.
11. You have a sister everywhere you go
As an international organization, you have a Rainbow sister far and wide, and your extended Masonic family is always there for you too. Whether it’s in another state or another country, your can make lifelong friends and sisters from around the world.
These are only a few of the many things we as current or past Rainbow Girls know all too well. However, despite the constant questions and busy schedules, this is who we are and we are proud to be a part of The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.