Of course when you go to college, everyone you know wants to know what your major is, which is completely fine and normal because people just want to get to know you better. When people find out you are a Psych major, they seem to be a little off-put by this idea, and instantly judge you. Then you tend to hear the same things over, and over again.
1. "Good luck."
Uh... thanks? What is that supposed to mean? Good luck with school or good luck with my future? Regardless, I appreciate the support, and plan to do well in my college career.
2. "That is a lot of schooling."
Yep. It will be a lot of schooling for me. About 8 years to be exact, but thanks for reminding me. Feel free to help pay for it, though!
3. "Well, you can help figure out what is wrong with my family."
I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard this. If I did, I would be able to afford college and be set for the rest of my life. Everyone's family is a little crazy, but I would rather have a crazy family rather than a boring one.
4. "There are plenty of crazy people in the world."
This one irritates me. Not everyone who goes to talk to or see someone with a psych degree is crazy. Some people just need help dealing with things and talking to someone is the only way to do that. People who struggle with depression are not crazy. People who struggle with anxiety are not crazy. Please, speak before you think.
5. "Psychologist or Psychiatrist?"
Although I am glad people understand there is a difference, there is more I could do with a psych degree that does not involve being face to face with patients and helping them with a mental illness. Since there are different types of psychology, there are tons of different jobs I could pick from.
6. "Because of your parents?"
No, not because of my parents. I took a psychology class in high school and loved the topic. I wanted to know more about psychology and its different fields, so I decided to major in it. It is something I enjoy.
7. "Wow. What made you want to do that?"
It is simple really; I enjoy it. I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing something I enjoy and since I love psychology and enjoy learning about, why not pursue a career in it?
8. "Oh! So-and-so is a psychology major, too! You two should talk!"
Thanks, but no thanks. Psychology is the most popular major at my school, so I have gotten to know quite a few psychology majors. Thanks for trying to look out for me, but just because we are majoring in the same thing does not mean we have something to bond over. It does not work that way.
9. "You are going to give me a discount when I come visit you, right?"
Eh, maybe. Probably not.
10. "I can be your first patient!"
You sure can if you want to, but do not come see me if you do not need to. Besides, I may not even be a psychologist or psychiatrist, so you many not be able to come see me anyway. Just a thought.
11. "Are you analyzing me right now?"
I am a sophomore in college. In college, your first two years are usually spent taking general education courses, which means I have only taken a few psychology courses and would not be able to analyze you yet even if I wanted to. If I could, I would not do so anyway. I like face-to-face conversations and I am not going to let my degree get in the way of that.