If you have any tattoos then you know that everyone has some sort of opinion about them. Some people love them, some people don't mind them, and some people loathe them. Any interaction with people who hate tattoos will usually stir up some sort of conversation (for me, at least, it has happened more than once). And whether you want it or not, they're going to give you their thoughts and opinions on your ink. Sometimes it is easier to walk away from the conversation, other times they will say something that makes your blood boil. These are a few of my favorite (or least favorite, depending on how you look at it) things that people have said to me about my tattoos.
1. "You're going to regret that later."
You're 100 percent wrong about that, I got my tattoos because they mean something to me. I'm also very aware of the fact that they are permanent. So no, I won't regret it at all.
2. "No employer will ever hire you."
Roughly 14 percent of people in America have at least one tattoo; that's about 45 million people. So unless the 45 million people with tattoos in America also don't have jobs, your idea is completely invalid. In every job I've had my employers knew I had tattoos, I was still hired.
3. "Aren't you going to want to cover them up for your wedding?"
I choose my tattoos because they are symbolic and important to me. I'm proud of them, and I want them to be seen. I can't imagine wanting to hide parts of who I really am for a landmark event in my life.
4. "How is that important to you?"
5. "That's a waste of money."
So you're allowed to spend money on your frivolous hobbies, but I can't spend money on a piece of art that I'll have forever. That makes so much sense.
6. "You'd look so much better without it."
That is super fantastic! Thank you for telling me that these important pieces of art on my body make me look unattractive. I enjoy looking at them, but I genuinely am taking your opinion into consideration.
7. "Your family must judge you."
They don't have to like them whatsoever. They are also free to judge me. But my family still loves me with all my tattoos, just as much as they would if I didn't have them.
8. "Tattoos are so trashy."
Again, I really could not care less what you think of tattoos. You're entitled to your own opinion, but in this case I'm going to have to tell you that I think you're wrong.
9. "Please tell me you're not getting more than one."
Once you get one, you'll want more. After your first tattoo you will constantly be thinking of whats next. The more ink you have, the more you are itching for your next.10. "Did it hurt?"
No, I am immune to the pain of little needles going in and out of my skin. It feels like a feather going across my body. (I'm kidding, it hurts like hell sometimes. But the pain is totally worth it.)