There are many times different types of anxiety disorders. Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common types of the anxiety disorders. It is one that I personally have to deal with and It is something I have to deal with on an everyday basis. It is a mental illness that is almost impossible to control and for a lot of people, it is difficult to understand. Everyday I just want people to understand my feelings and thoughts so here are eleven things I want people to know.
1. “I’m not ditching you I promise.”
With anxiety, its very difficult to make plans to hang out with people. Canceling last minute because you have the thought of “I can’t do it” is very common. Many people think its because they just do not want to hang out so they make an excuse to ditch them when in reality, they just can’t. Its physically too much.
2. “I can’t get rid of the thoughts.”
A person with anxiety has a mind that is always racing and its very difficult and sometimes even impossible to turn off so just remember that.
3. “Anxiety does not have a look.”
Anxiety can be silent. Anxiety is not always someone hyperventilating into a brown paper bag. Someone could be having a full panic attack internally and you would never know. Everyone shows their struggles differently.
4. “I need someone who cares to reach out to me.”
To a person feeling so much anxiety, the last thing they will do is ask a friend for help. The thought of even calling for help is so overwhelming and will most likely cause the person more anxiety because many do not want to feel like a burden or an annoyance to anyone, even their best friend.
5. “If I’m not comfortable doing something than please let it go. Please do not try to force me to do something.”
Asking a friend with anxiety to do something he or she is not comfortable with could bring on even more anxiety than he or she originally had. It can just make the situation worse.
6. “Please keep inviting me places even if I decline most of the time.”
Getting that invite really helps the person feel like he or she is still wanted even if they may decline the offer.
7. “Please be patient with me.”
Anxiety is very unpredictable and some do not understand that it takes time and patience.
8. “It may seem stupid to you, but its very real to me.”
Telling someone to suck it up or telling someone with anxiety that its not that bad, really hurts. Everyone deals with specific things differently so what you may find overwhelming could be completely different to someone else.
9. “I could have a panic attack at any moment and when I do please support me, don’t run.”
Panic attacks are scary. Scary for the person and scary for the ones around. Even though many do not know what to do, the best thing you can do is just give the person the support they need during the duration of the panic attack.
10. “I’m trying. I know it may not seem like I am but I promise you that I am trying.”
Just know that someone who has anxiety has a lot on their mind.
11. “When I am unable to do something, please understand that the most disappointed person is me”
When you have to cancel plans last minute, of course people get upset and some even become disappointed in you but many people have to understand that the person with anxiety feels the most disappointed so if they are unable to do something, show them your support, not disappointment.