It's not always that you can'tsleep -- sometimes you just don't, no matter how tired you are or how much you're in love with your bed. And if you're one of these people, if you regularly stay up all night, there are always tell-tale signs:
1. You're a wealth of information
Seriously. What's there to do after three a.m. other than browse Wikipedia until you can't see straight? Or watch an insane number of documentaries? If you're alone, that's sometimes all there is to do and, as a result, you happen to know a little bit about everything. And while all of that random trivia/information might not be applicable to your daily life now -- who knows? Maybe it will come in handy someday.
2. You're pretty sure there's a ghost in your house
The night is your friend, but also your enemy. All of those creaks you start to hear after everyone else has turned in? It's probably nothing, but... always tread carefully. The ghost can smell your fear.
3. You have the best and the worst self-esteem
These late night moments allow for a lot of self-reflection, and you can come out from the other side seriously loving or hating yourself at any given time. When this is your nightly routine, however, it often results in a strange mixture of both. Whatever happens, just remember to give yourself a break and be kind to yourself more often than you're inclined to be.
4. You've relived all of your embarrassing moments over and over and over again
This is part of the reason why you hate yourself and, trust me, it's a trap. Leave immediately. Because cringing while remembering your goth phase in seventh grade won't do you any favors. Or that time you fell down the stairs in front of everyone. Or that time you choked on peanut butter in the school library. Just... don't even go there.
5. You've watched a lot of television
Like... a lot. You're pretty much a pro at the only marathon in existence that doesn't involve actually moving and it's all because of that lovely "next episode" button. I mean, why sleep when you have only three episodes left in the season? And then two more seasons in the entire series? If it's only midnight, you've pretty much got all the time in the world.
6. You eat too many late night snacks
You know you really shouldn't... but chocolate.
7. You're really good at making plans
Are you good at following through? Not necessarily. But, hey, maybe someday you might actually go on that weekend trip to Paris you looked up flights for. Or start taking the art classes you researched. Or write that novel you outlined.
8. You have the best playlist
What are late nights without a good soundtrack?
9. Your social media is almost always active
The only time you're not blowing up Twitter with your every thought is during the five or six hours that you're actually asleep for (so basically between three and nine a.m.). But it's fine, your 200 followers are used to it by now.
10. You know how to laugh silently
It's a necessary skill when everyone else around you is sound asleep, and you've mastered it.
11. You always regret it in the morning
This is the worst part. And probably the reason why you don't consider yourself a morning person. The way that your whole body feels after a late night is actually the worst, and so you say you're not going to do it again; you say that you're going to start going to bed at a reasonable hour. But then it's already nighttime and you look up that the clock and, well, it's one a.m. and you're not even a little tired, right? So Netflix is starting to look like a really good idea, doesn't it? You start a new tv show and tell yourself that you'll go to bed earlier tomorrow.
But you won't. You never do.