New York is an amazing place. To grow up there is like a dream come true to a whole lot of people. When living in New York, you get to experience things and gain a whole new perspective on almost everything. Honestly the best way to describe it is by saying that New Yorker's really have their own culture. Just because we all say we want to get out of the state certainly doesn't mean we hate it, in fact leaving New York is not as easy as it sounds. Once gone, you'll look for a few things wherever you go but let me be the first to tell you, you're not going to find them. Here's a few:
1. Pizza
As much as it is said, it's true. There is just something about New York pizza that is so delicious and addicting. If you have ever tried New York pizza, you will understand. The only problem is that once you've had it, nothing quite satisfies your desire for pizza like the first time you took a bite into a slice from the local pizzeria owned by the little Italian family six blocks down. Everyone tries to recreate or imitate New York pizza, but people from New York can't manage to do it once they move. Some say its the water, others say its just something about the state. All I know is that there is nothing like it.
2. "Dirty Water Dogs"
In foreigner terms, a hot dog. A city hot dog from any street vendor is like a handcrafted piece of heaven. Don't look at the water its been siting in and ignore that fact that it's from a weird guy on the streets of Manhattan and you'll be good. I honestly don't know how to describe the differences because it seems simple to boil a hot dog right? No. I don't know what they do but they are doing it right.
3. The Unlimited Amount Of Options
New York has everything. If you don't believe me, visit and you will understand. What do you want to do, sky diving, trampoline houses, bars, museums, Coney Island, or despite popular belief, go to the farms? There is so much to do that locals often take it for granted, I certainly did. Go towards the city, you're in urban living, go out east or upstate and you're in farms and ranches. It is hard to get bored when you have all the options you could want.
4. The Beach
Yes, I know, there are beaches everywhere on the coast and I am not arguing that Robert Moses is better than Daytona Beach, however "it's a New York thing". This may be more relevant to Long Islanders but Robert Moses field five was the birth place of hundreds of memories. When Jones Beach isn't busier then I-95 through Virginia, it's amazing. The shops, the overpriced food, and the environment speaks for itself.
5. The Jones Beach Theater
Seeing a concert at Jones Beach is unforgettable. In order to stay short and sweet, imagine watching your favorite artist in July, directly on the beach, while surrounded by water. Yeah.
6. The Jones Beach Air Show
Going to the Jones Beach Air Show is a ritual. You have to go. Every year, one one weekend, the air show causes bumper to bumper traffic from the parking lots all the way to the Sunrise highway exit. Every year, we would experience the same thing but it felt new each time. Your dad yelling at the damn traffic, your mom trying to make light of the situation, you covering your ears from that really close F/A 18 pass by, and finally the Blue Angels.
7. Bagels and Egg Sandwiches
Is it the water? No, I heard it's the air. Again, nobody knows why there is nothing remotely close but there just isn't. The thickness, the size, the taste, the texture, its all different. If you have ever had, you'll understand. We make it a necessity when visiting to go and have a bagel or egg sandwich fresh at least twice.
8. Fire Island
Fire Island is like a mini vacation within itself even though it's only a 20 min boat ride away. With no cars allowed, it makes the experience ten times better. Spending the weekend on Fire Island with your friends was possibly the highlight of your summer.
9. Smith Point
Camping at Smith Point was a must. Camping on the beach with a bon fire, the ocean, a few jet skis, and a pack of Hebrew Nationals was all you needed to have an amazing weekend. It's rare that a camping spot is that amazing and unforgettable.
10. Yankee Stadium/Citi Field
If you remember Frank Sinatra's New York, New York the way I do then chances are you miss Yankee Stadium equally. The smell of the hot dogs and the sound of the vender yelling "Cracker Jacks" does not diminish over the years. In fact, it only gets more vivid as the need to return grows stronger. New Yorkers will never forget the house that Jeter built...that is, unless you're a Mets fan, but lets not think so morbidly.
11. The City
There is honestly nothing like the Big Apple. I haven't been to many places but its hard to imagine any city replacing New York. It's size is unfathomable. It's content is endless. The diversity and rich culture alone make it unique. The food, the buildings, central park, and even the sound is irreplaceable. It's immersive, you can't help but to just take a minute to realize where you are and whats around you. There is so much to do and so much to see that its quite overwhelming. There is never a dull day in the city and I could bet that if you were to go into the city for one hundred days, you would see something new each time. When you hear "the city that never sleeps", imagine looking out into the streets at 3 a.m. to find out that the only difference from 3 p.m. is the lack of light in the sky. Notice how I specified sky because its never dark on the streets of Manhattan, the lights from Time Square and the taxi headlights are enough to illuminate San Francisco and Los Angeles with ease. No matter how many times you can visit the city, you'll always want to go one more time.