Writers are unique human beings. Here are a few things all writers can relate to.
1. The Epiphany
There is no greater feeling for a writer than the feeling one gets when the perfect idea pops into mind. It could happen at anytime, but it mostly occurs at an inconvenience or in the shower.
2. Thinking of character names
This can be super stressful because you are literally dictating the name of the person who is going to live through your imaginary life. Your readers need to be attracted to this name and if not it can subconsciously make them not enjoy the story.
3. Thinking of the book name/chapter titles/article headers
Probably one of the most difficult parts of the writing process because you need to pick one or a few words that capture the essence of your piece and it can make or break the emotion you're trying to convey.
4. Planning the plot/order
Writing can be extremely exciting and when the time comes to make a game plan things become super aggravating. All writers understand the denial of whether or not to kill a character off or create a relationship. Keeping the readers wanting more requires the correct amount of suspense but, falling too short or overdoing it can ruin the flow.
5. Writers Block
Let's be honest, this stage can last from 3 minutes to months, maybe even years. The most frustrating part of having writers block isn't fact that you can't find words for your paper, but the procrastination you are convinced is helping this process. It's funny how "one more snack" justifies the thought that maybe the taste of food will help your brain run (I am guilty of this).
6. Writing in weird places
Besides the substantial amount food one might consume in order to fix writers block, we love to change up the scenery. Personally, I'll go outside in the grass... maybe hang upside-down on the couch...who knows? You do you writers!
7. Real-life situation that fixes your writers block
What better way to plan out your character's experiences than to live them yourself. Sometimes it can be difficult finding the right upcoming scene even if it isn't something extravagant. Going out and experiencing everyday life can assist you with ideas instead of just sitting my your computer.
8. Compliments/Constructive Criticism
Even though us writers might think we are great at words, reassurance is always helpful. We want to make sure our point is clear and our words are being felt the way we intended them to, so compliments and feedback are the ultimate gifts from our readers.
9. Being asked to write more
Writers, please tell me you couldn't agree more! Ambition is what drives us to finish our ideas and incorporate passion into our writing. If we're being asked to write another chapter or finish a piece it means that our work is needed for someone else's pleasure. We feed off of those kinds of responses.
10. Finishing your piece
Pour yourself your favorite drink or treat yourself to some ice cream because congratulations, all your hard work has paid off.
11. Your work being published
Being a published author is like winning an Oscar. Kudos to you, you deserve the recognition. Don't stop manifesting your thoughts, writers. Do what you love and never look back.