Today's the day you have been waiting for because a new season of The Ellen Show is finally here!
After a hiatus for the summer, the popular daytime talk-show, The Ellen Show, is back for its fifteenth season. Yes, you read that correctly. ITS FIFTEENTH SEASON!
The kind-hearted, comical Ellen DeGeneres is ready to entertain her studio audience and her viewers from all over the globe. It seems as if each season just keeps getting better and better. New talent, new stories, new jokes, but the high energy, the positivity, and the mint-tossing are nothing old. Be kind to one another and get the scoop on what to look forward to this season of The Ellen Show!
1. Ellen's Monologues.
No greater way to quick off the show than with Ellen's monologues! They are often about current news and she incorporates jokes to get her audience and the show's viewers laughing.
2. Ellen's Halloween Costume.
Looking back on the years, Ellen has dressed up as some of Hollywood's biggest stars from Sofia Vergara to Nicki Minaj. Who could forget "Karla Kardashian?" There is definitely anticipation for Ellen's upcoming Halloween costume revelation.
3. Guests Winning/Being Given Cash Prizes/Checks.
Whether it is receiving a check for $25,000 or a gift card for $1,000, the reactions from guests are priceless.
4. Andy Lassner.
Andy Lassner is one of the executive producers of The Ellen Show. Ellen loves to have Andy somehow participate in the show whether it is sending him to visit haunted houses while Halloween is approaching, scaring him behind the scenes, and of course, being the star of the segment, Average Andy.
5. Scaring Celebrity Guests.
From employees dressing up in ridiculous costumes to Ellen hiding backstage, the surprised facial expressions from guests being scared are hilarious. Don't believe me? Just watch!
6. 12 Days Of Giveaways.
A lot of people love the holiday season, especially the audience members during The Ellen Show's "12 Days of Giveaways."
7. Games.
The games that are played on The Ellen Show are without-a-doubt entertaining. From the classics including "Heads Up" and "Hot Hands", these activities are fun for celebrity guests and selected members of the audience to participate in!
8. Dancing.
Why sit around for the entire duration of the show when you can dance along with Ellen and the audience?
9. Interviews.
The interviews Ellen has with her guests are unpredictable and are filled with laughter from the audience. It is a blast to hear about celebrities' upcoming projects and the tear-jerking stories from inspirational guests.
10. tWitch.
Stephen "tWitch" Boss shares great stories with Ellen and the audience whether they are about his weekend or his family. He also is not afraid to show off his groovy moves in between dance breaks.
11. The Audience.
The members of the audience are as enthusiastic as can be. Their screams, hollers, and laughter are fed from Ellen's energy. We can all dream of someday wishing we were in those very chairs watching a taping of The Ellen Show...