Well, if you are anything like my once 14 year old self the thought of college was intriguing but also frightening. The thought of living on your own? How cool. Having to do your own laundry? Wait a second, no thanks. College is a weird place but in the absolute best way possible. This was once a journey I could not wait to embark on, and I am having a hard time believing that I have in fact started this next great adventure. After being here for only one short month I have learned so many things that I am going to remember for many years to come.
1. It is 100% okay to miss home.
The first thing I have learned in college is that missing my family and home is as normal as normal can be. At first I thought that missing home meant that I may have made the wrong choice or that I wasn't happy. The more I talked to people the more I realized that everybody was feeling a little homesick.
2. Time to yourself is crucial.
Whether it's in the library, the shower, a lunch table or your bed time to yourself is necessary. College is a huge adjustment but everybody is going through the same experience so when you tell your friends you need to take a step back they might be thinking the exact same thing. Being around people for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is stressful. Read a book, listen to music, take a nap, study or reflect. Around every corner is another person making difficult to find some alone time but when you do you will thank yourself.
3. Genuine friends will come with time.
Okay, so you're a month in and you're not exactly sure about the whole friend situation. It's kind of like high school in this aspect. I haven't heard from the people I was once close with my freshman year since freshman year. If you feel like your friends now are not the people you want to surround yourself with then don't. Everyone is still getting acquainted with each other. This is the time to introduce yourself to people and get to know anyone and everyone. Talk and open up because you might just find your best friend.
4. Get creative in the cafeteria.
At this point you're probably tired of your usual chicken sandwich with a side salad and chocolate milk. So get creative! There are probably more options than you realize in your dining hall. Make a quesadilla with a tortilla and cheese in the microwave or try a different sauce on your usual sandwich and you might have a new favorite.
5. Get involved
In college you are given an enormous amount of free time if you do not get involved. Fill that time with something other than watching Netflix. Even at smaller schools there are hundreds of clubs and organizations to join. This is a great way to meet people with interests similar to yours and also feel like you're truly apart of the university's community.
6. Read read read read. And then read again.![]()
No matter how many times teachers tell you in high school you won't believe it until you have to for your first biology exam two weeks into your freshman year of college. You have to read every single night to stay caught up (especially if you are a science major, good luck). Once you develop good study habits things start to flow better. You might not do so well on your first econ quiz, but you learn from your mistakes and now you know how to study for the next one. Please read. Just do it. There will never be a time where you think "Aw man I really regret reading those two chapters from my textbook." It will help you immensely.
7. The library is your new BFF.
This is something I am not exactly excited to admit but the library is probably my favorite part about college. I practically live there. Sometimes I think about bringing an air mattress to sleepover. There are so many options in the library. You can study with a group, by yourself or with a tutor. You can bring yourself some snacks and stay for hours on end. I feel so incredibly productive in the library and I get loads of work done there.
8. Go to office hours.
The minute you feel as though you do not understand something.. ask a question! Find out when your professor's office hours are and go to them (they are usually found in the syllabus). Your professor will remember who came for office hours and who is going the extra mile to fully understand the material being taught. That goes a long way in their eyes. They want to help you, so let them. You will definitely comprehend concepts better and achieve better quiz grades. You will thank yourself in the long run too because good quiz grades usually equal decent or better exam grades.
9. Breakfast is in fact the MOST important meal of the day.
If you are anything like me, you love breakfast but you probably love sleep more. Although rolling out of bed 10 minutes before class and making it on time is impressive you should definitely leave yourself enough time for a quick meal in the morning. If you have to get up 15 minutes earlier than usual to run over to the dining hall and grab a bagel on your way to Spanish, do it. Keep cereal or oatmeal in your room and make it while getting ready. Throw a granola bar or two in your backpack. Whatever it is you prefer, remember that breakfast is crucial.
10. Being undecided does not mean you are wasting your time.
It's okay to not know what you want to do with your life. This first year is all about finding out who you are. It's about self discovery. Maybe you will really enjoy that 8 AM economics class and realize you want to be a business major, or your biology class intrigue you and you might decide you want to go to medical school. Do not let anyone tell you that you're wasting time because you're unsure. You will know soon enough.
11. College is judgement free.
In high school every one is so caught up with fitting in or being popular. College is a completely different ball game because there is literally something for everyone to fit into. Whether it be the Paranormal Activity Club, Greek life, club soccer, or Zumba, there is a place for you. College is where you can find yourself. Everyone understands what you are going through as a freshman because either 1: they are going through it with you or 2: have been through it already. Just be yourself and go with the flow because everything will start to fall into place before you know it. This is all a learning a experience and our adventure has just begun so remember to take it all in because it'll be over before we know it.