Some say that your first semester as a college student will be the easiest semester of your college career. Others say that it’ll be the hardest. Regardless of which it was, it’s definitely a semester that’s unforgettable. It’s your first time really on your own. The first time you can’t shower without shoes on. The first time you have to do everything for yourself. A lot of change happens throughout this period of time. Here’s 11 things I learned my first semester as a college student.
1. It’s okay to call your Mom every day.
Really, you should call your mom pretty often from school. You have no idea how much you make her day. But, when you find yourself in need of some advice, you’re having a rough day, or you’re just simply walking alone and want to feel a little less lonely, call your mom. It’s okay. Sometimes just hearing her voice will make everything seem okay, even if it’s just for a little while.
2. You actually need to study.
This isn’t high school anymore. You can’t just get by by showing up whenever you feel like it, getting the answers to quizzes from friends that already took it, or studying the bare minimum and hoping the person next to you studied more than you did. Yeah, it kind of hits you like a brick, but that brick knocks you right into place. Studying and actually doing your work is actually super important. That’s the whole reason you’re there, right?
3. Time doesn’t measure friendships.
You meet so many new people and make so many new friends. Some of these friends are people that you’ll grow so close to in such a short amount of time. People you’ve known for 4 months can become better friends than people you’ve known for 4 years. Time isn’t a measure of friendships and how people treat you.
4. Dressing up for class just doesn’t happen.
Even putting jeans on for your 8 a.m. just isn’t going to happen. You realize that you’re really just not trying to impress anyone and don’t care if you haven’t washed your hair in 2 days. At least you’re going to class.
5. You learn to appreciate all kinds of people.
Going to college, people come from all over. Between people that live across the country, international students, and even students that live close, everyone has a different background. It’s cool to learn about all different ways of life, cultures, and everything in between.
6. Don’t wear open toed shoes to a party.
Just don’t.
7. Being homesick is normal.
Personally, I went home for the weekend fairly often my first semester. And that’s okay. It’s a lot of change happening really fast, and sometimes you just need to be at home in your own bed for a few nights. Eventually, though, you have to convince yourself that staying on campus is the better option and that’s the only way it’ll ever get easier.
8. You either eat way too much or not at all.
There are days when you’re so busy you literally forget to eat, but then there are days when it’s all you do. There’s no in between.
9. Going to office hours is hard.
You want to be a good student and go to office hours. But, it takes you approximately three hours to find said office. And you really never have the motivation to go out of your way to them in the first place. It’s a struggle.
10. Getting a package in the mail is a day maker.
There’s nothing like a package from home, the clothes you ordered, or a package you sent yourself to brighten up your day.
11. Take care of yourself.
Mentally, physically, emotionally. Stay in for a night. Take a study break. Eat the chocolate if you want to, but also go to the gym. Don’t text the frat boy that you met a few weekends ago. Taking care of yourself when you’re on your own is probably the most important thing about college. Don’t forget to take a step back and realize what really matters: you.