If you were fortunate enough to have a great mother figure in your life you will be able to relate to almost all of these points. I like to think that I have a pretty solid grasp on life as a whole; as to who I am, who I want to be surrounded by and how I want to live my life. And I thank that all to my beautiful mother, whom was raised by her beautiful mother whom was raised by yet another. A line of values and morals that grew in experience and kept being passed down. One of my biggest dreams is to be a great mom for my family, and knowing my mom, I have huge shoes to fill.
These are just a few of many lessons that I have learned from my mother:
1. Be Kind. Everyone has a battle they are facing. It may seem big or small in comparison to your own obstacles but to them it may be very troubling. Always be that positive light for someone because you may be the help they need.Treat every person you come across with kindness. Ask the cashier how their day is-- and actually listen to their answer, give your seat to someone else on the train and remind your loved ones how much they mean to you. Help those who you can help, treat your friends to lunch if they don't get paid until Friday, buy happy gifts for your loved ones just because and remember that giving time and attention is the best gift of all.
2. Try To Understand Everyone. As said before, everyone has their own battle. Treat everyone with respect and understanding. A person may be having a bad day, bad week or bad month and so they deserve every ounce of your understanding to help them by. Action's are deeply rooted in feelings, so if someone is lashing out it is because they need kindness not judgement. People may not remember what you said to them but they will remember how you made them feel. So make them feel accepted, understood and appreciated.
3. Enjoy The Little Things. Its the small things in life that make big moments. Take the time to look at the colors of the sunset blending into one another. Leave the phone home so you have a free hand to hold your sister's hand. Inhale the breeze on a crispy fall day. Spend the time and sit down to enjoy your coffee in the morning. Kiss your mom goodnight, every night. Pray when things are hard but pray more when things are going great. Play the same games around the house with your kids just because for them it never gets old. Do not overlook the little things in life because most of the times they are the best things of all.
4. Life Is Too Short To Hold Grudges. Life is too unpredictable to stay angry at people. As Buddha said, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". Holding a grudge with someone will do more harm to yourself than the other person. One of my mom's best pieces of advice was revenge is the best happiness. Being happy is up to you and only you, so do not give any other person that power. Working through problems is way more rewarding and mature anyway. Be the bigger person, life is too short to hold grudges against each other.
6. Work Hard. Hard work yields great outcomes. Work honestly, work smart and work intensely; good things will come from it. Homework is important no matter how you feel about it, stay up late to finish that papers, and double check your resume. You will thank yourself later for the work you'll do now. Laziness is contagious and it only takes a few times for it to catch on. Avoid falling into that stagnant lifestyle but getting up and working your butt off until you achieve all your goals.
7. Always Bring Your Laugh. Laughter is medicine. Laughter is free therapy. Laughter brings people together. Smiles make days and start relationships; they are the only universal thing that links everyone on earth. To live a life without laughter is a misuse of a lifetime. Tell corny jokes, be goofy in public and smile at strangers. I promise people will appreciate your smiles more than anything. Do not take life too seriously because it is too short to do so. When life gets tough, laugh it off.
8. A Clean Home Is A Clean Life. I always thought my mom's nagging was pointless and that it was something I would just deal with until I had a home of my own. Now that I've been living at school I see the importance of having an organized environment. Coming home to a nice and neat room makes a world of difference. Inviting people into a cleaned home makes a huge impact in the way a person sees you. Take the time to dust and vacuum often, and make your bed before going out so you have a soft, made bed to fall back into.Your surroundings mirror your work ethic, style and performance -- so create a good reflection.
9. Take All Opportunities. There is no reason to limit yourself to opportunities and new adventures. One of my goals as a mother is to involve my child in anything and everything from a young age. Football, soccer, arts and music, golf, fencing or chess; anything will create bonds and experience that will be benefited from in the future. So many special friends I made through activities my mom signed me up for before I even had an interest and I couldn't be more grateful for that. Because of that, I have gone out on limbs many times to widen my experiences outside my comfort zone and I have never regretted it. Sign up for that club, try that sport, and apply for that position. I promise that getting involved will give you back so much more than you ever signed up for originally.
10. Be Your Own Hero. If its one thing my mom has shown me it was to be independent. That even if the world feels like its crumbing, I am strong enough to hold myself together. I do not need a man, friends or anyone's approval to achieve my own dreams. All I need is my inner compass and determination and the rest will follow. I will always look back to the time that my mom, sister and I were just a trio for a few years. And nothing felt better than running the house, making plans and living according to us and only us. My mom was her own hero and taught us that we are more than capable of saving ourselves.
11. Listen To Your Heart. If it's one thing to do in this crazy world, its to follow your heart and never lose sight of yourself. Do not get caught up in the latest trends, what your friends are doing or where you feel the pressure. If it doesn't sit well with you, then do not do it. Your gut feeling matters and your heart will speak to you. Stay true to yourself and keep focused on the person you are and who you want to be. Nothing in this world is worth losing yourself over. Follow your heart and you will never go wrong.
My mother is a beautiful human made up of love, compassion and selflessness. She is intelligent, level headed and knows herself. She can be fierce and she can be calm. She goes with the flow but also chases her dreams. She has been more than a mother, but a role model, a best friend, a therapist and a motivational speaker. She is more than I ever could of asked for in a mom but somehow I was lucky enough to get her.
Without her, I wouldn't be the person I am and wouldn't be striving to be the person I want to be. Before I had said that my biggest dream is to be as good of a mom as my mom is. In reality, I am completely petrified to be anything less of this magnificent woman. I need to lead on the generation of greatness and teach my children all the things I acquired and more.
So thank you mom, for giving me everything and for showing me things about this life that will guide me to my goals. You mean the world to me, thank you for giving me that world.